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"are we there yet?" saena sighs as she looks out the window of sunjae's car. doyun fake cries as he hits his head off his phone.
"you've asked that more than 10 times in the past 3 minutes." doyun groans as he throws the mini pillow he had brought with him at saena's face. "go to sleep, i cant stand you no more."

jungsu, who slightly agreed with doyun, decided to lay the pillow on his lap. he then pushes saena's head onto the pillow and covered her eyes using his hands.
"go to sleep, it's still half an hour until we get there." he sighs deeply.

jiseok and i were seated in the back of the 7 seater car, which wasn't as full with luggage as the other car with my other brothers who were trailing in the car behind us using junseo's car. they all wanted to see me off as it would be the first time i would be going abroad without any brothers.
everytime i go on holidays, 1 or 2 brothers have to come with me. it wasn't said by my parents, it was said by themselves.

"chae, when we get to korea will you still pay attention to me?" jiseok mumbles as he rests his head on my shoulder. i nod my head as i ruffle his hair up softly. "don't lie, we all know you're going to pay attention to the others."

"i have a feeling she's gonna be attached to either jooyeon and seungmin." jungsu says as he picks his phone up to check the time. 8.45pm.

"all of you go to sleep, i'm tired from hearing yous." doyun sighs as he looks back to us, then to saena and bursts into a fit of laughter.
"she actually fell asleep."

after what felt like a 10 hour car ride, we finally made it to the airport. doyun helps me out of the back after helping jungsu wake saena up.
the twins then come over to us with our luggage on a trolley while junseo also had our carry ons.  sunjae takes out jiseok and jungsu's luggage out of the back of his car as he then hugs me tightly.

"stay safe, please." he says softly as he pays my back. doyun, junseo and kyeongtae wave at me as they go back to their cars — meanwhile kyeongwoo was in tears.

"jiseok, im trusting you to take care of my lil' chaeri. please watch her at all times to make sure she's safe and-" i shush the boy up with a tight and short hug before pushing him into the car where doyun and sunjae was in, then seeing them off.

"let's go check in." jungsu then pushes the trolley as saena trails behind him with her favourite backpack, a blue cat plush bag. of course she also has a sling bag which carrie's her big and heavy stuff, the backpack is just for her outfit.
we all enter the not so busy airport as we then find our airline check in lane.

"i'm excited to see the others." saena smiles widely as she takes her beanie off and fixing her hair in the reflection of jungsu's glasses.

"i cant take you seriously with you using my glasses as a mirror."

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