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"let's go to the beach, each, let's go get a wave." junseo sings as he does his family-famous cat walk going own the concrete steps to the sandy beach.

it wasn't as busy as we expected it to be, mainly because doyun chose an unpopular one to go to. luckily, the weather was perfect for the beach. it was pretty hot for my liking and the sky was clear, though it did have a few small clouds but overall it was great.

"junseo get your ass back up here and help me?!" kyeongtae shouts out as he drags the bags down. jiseok immediantly dashes beside him and grabs a few bags off him. "nevermind, chae's boyfriend helped!"

"he's gonna be protective over you when you take that shirt off, just watch it." saena laughs as she catches up with me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
"i'll be wearing these short because of my brothers, so i think i'll be grand." i smile softly as we skip down the same steps that kyeongtae struggled to go down and joining the others. doyun had already set out the large umbrella and 2 beach chairs.

sunjae had placed the cooler beside the umbrella to weigh it down o it couldn't fly away incase there was wind coming. 
"you guys can go swim, just don't drown please." kyeongwoo smiles as he takes out a manga and as he also takes a seat on the chair.

"are you not gonna join us?" jungsu asks as he leaves his slippers where the others were, underneath kyeongwoo's beach chair. kyeongwoo shakes his head with wide eyes.

"he's afraid of swimming at the beach. he doesn't mind pools, he just doesn't like sea water." doyun shrugs as he takes his shirt off and shoves it into his bag.
we all had our own small bags where we each had packed a towel and a change of clothes. in kyeongwoo's bag was just nessecities like sun lotion, sun glasses, caps, and whatever else we needed.

"race you there!" saena shouts as she slides out of her loose top and shorts, which did leave her in a one piece, black swimsuit. i scoff as i take my oversized red shirt off and throwing it on top of my own bag.
under the shirt was a black bikini top that went well with my black swim shorts with 2 thick white stripes on the side.

"becareful, you two!" jiseok shouts out loudly as he cleans up the mess we have left with them. i continue to chase saena until we were both in the water. she was already soaked from top to bottom as she did lose a battle to the strength of the water.

she breathes out loudly as she gets back up to the surface, wiping the sea water off her smiling face.

"it's been so long since we were at a beach." she says as she jumps slightly, waving her arms slowly beside her to make her stay afloat. i nod with a smile as i pull her back a it more closer to the shallow part of the beach so she could just stand, but it didn't really work out as we both just ended up sitting beside each other on the sand, watching the water.

"boo." both saena and i scream from the sudden appearance of a soaking wet jungsu behind us. his blonde hair was dripping wet with some sand in it too. he smiles widely as he takes a seat beside saena.

"chae, you know your making jiseok go crazy for you right now?" jungsu asks as he brushes his hair back so the water wouldn't get into his eyes. "on our way here he was saying 'i swear chae wire that on purpose. she's gonna be the death of me'. you really have jiseok hanging off a line right now."

"hell yeah she does." jiseok then appears beside me, him walking further into the water and then dunking his head in the water. after he stands up again he wipes the water off his face with a smile. "that was refreshing."
he then comes closer to us again, his shirt them sticking to his body and showing off his muscles.

"chae? earth to chae?" saena mumbles as she waves her hands in front of me eyes. i look at her confused. "you ok? you're a bit red.."

"i'm fine!" i smile as i also stand up, fixing the strings of my swim sorts before bringing saena a bit further away from jiseok and jungsu. "i'm not ok."

"it's jiseok, isn't it?"

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