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"Yoon Iris Chaeri,

it's our last night together.. i really cant believe it. time went by so fast and i feel like an asshole for not spending so much time with you. truth is, i was and still am a bit shy around you. you're my first girlfriend ever so i'm unsure of how these things work.

at least we both had fun during the time you were here.. excluding the small fights we had but they were mostly on me.. some being on you but it's ok we both owned up to it and i'm glad we were able to sort it all out.

although i'm still a bit hurt about you thinking i'm cheating on you, i'll still love you.
wow.. i'm the first one to say i love you.. actually, i'm gonna also try and say it first when we're at the airport!!

since we are on the topic about my cheating allegations, i'll just tell you what was really happening since i didn't get much time to explain myself;
i was actually preparing a customized ring for you. it's a couple ring! it has the date we started dating engraved into it. i'm so thoughtful, i know.

i've mostly been in my phone because it is actually both our hand writings, this is why i had you write out a bunch of numbers!! so no, they weren't code for 'i'm secretly gay'. on my ring, it's your handwriting and on your ring it's mine!!

you'll find the ring in the box inside one of my hoodies. i saw how much you enjoyed wearing my hoodies, so i decided to let you keep one.
i'll admit, i actually did catch you crying to saena that one night saying how much you're gonna miss me, so i decided to pack a hoodie for you so you can wear it whenever you miss me. please take care of it!!

my hand is starting to get sore, so i'll finish writing this note up soon.
right now, you're spread out on my bed hugging a pillow which you currently think is me. i noticed that everytime i would leave your arms whenever we're sleeping, you would wake up. i didn't want you to wake up and see me write this, so i replaced myself with a pillow.

you're seriously so cute, i honestly don't know how i was able to get you to be my girlfriend.
i seriously don't deserve you, you've made me so much happier than i already was before you came to korea. i'll forever cherish the memories we made here in korea together, like our first kiss.

that was actually my first kiss, so i'm not sure on how i did..
maybe you can teach me!!

no that sounds wrong.. ignore that!!

either way, chaeri i seriously love you with my whole heart. i have no idea how we went from online best friends to online lovers, but i'm liking it right now.

i'll miss you when you go back to australia.. seriously!! it'll take some time getting used to not seeing you around anymore, but everything comes to an end.

anyways — please take care of yourself. have healthy meals, sleep well, don't do anything extremely dumb.

i love you!!
kwak jiseok, your eternal lover<3"


jiseok.. im only seeing the note you wrote for me now..

omds finally!!

was it in the suitcase saena had??


i'm acc crying rn

im wearing the hoodie and the ring rn

aw baby don't cry it's nothing special

mf it is!!

it's so special to me

ur so sweet i really wasn't expecting this at all

gahzamn u change real quick.. i j saw like 3 emotions from you in under a minute

you annoy me, but i love you

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