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"chae, chae, chae, chae, chae!" jooyeon shouts out as he tackles me to the ground after gunil and i come back from the grocery shop to buy snacks for movie night.

"get off of me, mate! i'm holding jars!" i shout back as i flick his head. i look down to the plastic bag and see gunil's foot underneath it. i soh in relief as he then helps me up and leaves jooyeon on the floor.

"what movie should we watch?" jungsu asks as he takes a seat on the sofa, taking the remote from saena's hands as he switches from youtube to netflix.

"shouldn't we watch it later? it's only 8pm.." seungmin says as he joins hyeongjun on the ground, pushing the boy's head onto his lap after seeing his head nodding a few times.

"yeah we should watch it at around 9 so we also have time to prepare the snacks and to agree on a movie so we aren't fighting over it." jiseok agrees with saena as he slowly nods his head with a smile, it quickly fading as soon as he gets a message in his phone. upon hearing the notification sound, he jumps up from his seat and dashes upstairs with a wide smile on his face.
i frown slightly as i watch him disappear, along with his giggles.

"guys, is jiseok cheating on me?" i mumble softly as i look at all of the others with hurt eyes. all their shoulders drops as it then became silent, the only thing you could hear was jiseok's laughs.

"chaeri.." gunil sighs deeply as soon as he sees my tears slightly tear up. saena was quick to jump up from jungsu's arms and to hug me tightly.

"i can assure you he isn't cheating at all, iris." saena says quietly as she pays my back. "however if he is, we're leaving immediantly to a hotel until we leave korea."

"nobody's leaving or cheating." seungmin calls it with a serious face. saena and i both look at him confused as to hw he understood what saena's had just said.
"i know when something's wrong with jiseok and there isn't anything wrong. you're just seeing things the wrong way." jungsu shrugs as he heads upstairs. "i'll go call for him right now."

"ok now that jungsu's gone, if jiseok is cheating we'll all gang bash him." saena whispers. hyeongjun then wakes up, raising his head up from seungmin's lap slowly as he looks around with a confused face.

"who are we gang bashing?"

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