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"thank you so much for dinner, junseo." jungsu smiles as he helps me do the dishes, him wiping the plates clean while saena puts them away. jiseok was by himself at the dinner table wiping it down.

"he's the chef out of all of us. best to say he got the trait off our dad." kyeongwoo shrugs as he passes me a dirty glass which he just used for water. i look at him with an annoyed gaze since i was just about to finish up.

"i hate you so much.." i groan as i quickly wash the glass, passing it to jungsu. kyeongwoo let's out and airy laugh as he ruffles my hair up.
"love you too, chris." he says as he takes a seat at the island beside kyeongtae, looking in at his screen.

"where did the name crish come out of?" jiseok asks as he comes back into the kitchen, tossing the dirty cloth on the counter.
"it's a mix of her english and korean name, chaeri and iris." junseo explains with a smile. "your her boyfriend, i'm surprised you didn't know."

"yeah, jiseok, i thought i told you this?" i ask with an offended face. he shrugs carelessly.
"he haven't spoken in ages, so i guess i forgot." he says, leaning back onto the counter.

"strike two." kyeongtae smirks devilishly. "one more and i'm going after him."
"damn i never knew you were gay." saena says as she then begins clapping. kyeongtae looks at saena with a threatening look.

"calm down, let's just go upstairs." kyeongwoo sighs deeply. he softly pushes kyeongwoo towards the stairs, him waving at us goodnight with a smile.

"wait, where is jungsu and i staying?" saena asks as us 4 head for the stairs.
"the guest room like usual." i shrug as i then look over to junseo. "you going to your room yet?"

he shakes his head as he takes a seat on the L shaped sofa, grabbing the tv remounted and opening the netflix app on it.
"i want to enjoy my series without having to hear sunjae rage about his game." he laughs as he immediantly opens an anime.
with a smile i dash up the stairs once again and join jiseok in my room while saena and jungsu were in the other room.

since my brothers don't know we're no longer dating, we still have to pretend we're dating so jiseok will be staying in my room during the night. of course we aren't sharing the bed, so we stole a thin mattress from the garage earlier so jiseok could sleep on it.

"did you switch rooms with the twins?" jiseok asks as i nod, taking my pyjamas out of my closet.
the current room i'm in was too small for the twins, so we both agreed to switch rooms since mine was the perfect size for them. our rooms are beside each other, so the transfer was pretty easy.. thought sometimes they still walk into my room as if it was still theirs.

"i'm gonna freshen up, you can do whatever."

"can i give you these?" he asks as he takes out a bouqet of roses from under bed. i furrow my eyebrows and scoff as i wall up to him, taking the roses with a smile.

"you had one of my brothers buy this, didn't you?"
"yeah i did.."

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