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"saena, can you please bring cooked chicken from now on?" sunjae sighs deeply as he cleans the raw chicken in the kitchen sink, plucking out any extra feathers.

"i even told her not to being raw chicken.." i laugh as i put the dishes away, then joining saena at the kitchen island.

"damn don't attack me, the fuck?" saena frowns as she puts both her hands up. "i'm just making sure i don't come over empty handed."

"you can come over with out food." sunjae says as he then slams the chicken onto a curing board, cleaning up the plucked pieces and throwing them into a bin before taking out a cleaver from the knife holder, then cutting the chicken into smaller pieces which will be easier for us to fry.
"someone make the breading and someone mix the eggs."

"dibs on the breading!" saena jumps up from the stool, grabbing the breading bag and pouring it out onto a tray.

"i'm surprised you didn't let it rip open and fall to the floor like last time." kyeongtae laughs as he comes down the stairs and joins us in the kitchen. "when the doorbell rings-"

"answer it because you ordered something?" i ask with a raised eyebrow while whisking the eggs together so they're a solid yellow colour.
kyeongtae nods with a smile as he heads back upstairs.

"last time that happened jungsu and jiseok-" i glare at saena to stop, which she immediantly does after realising what she's after doing.

whenever jiseok gets mentioned, my brothers go crazy. they start asking a load of questions. it's honestly like they're interrogating me.. none of them know that we broke up, so they still think we're together. reason why i dont want to tell them is because they will personally go to korea and kill him - which is what almost happened with my other exes. they went on a rampage for them..

"oh yeah, how is jiseok?" sunjae asks with a slightly raised eyebrow. "you guy still together?"
i nod softly with an awkward smile as i then kick saena in her shin a i walk by her.

we then hear the doorbell then goes off. saena trails behind me as we make our way to the front door, i open it with a smile. it immediantly dropping after seeing a face i didn't want to currently see.

"holy shit, jungsu!" saena screeches as she jumps onto jungsu, wrapping her legs around his waist as she hugs him tightly.

i then face jiseok.

"hi, ji." i say awkwardly as i hug him, whispering in his ear. "my brothers don't know we broke up, but pretend we're still together."

"hi baby." jiseok then smiles widely as he hugs me tightly. god, i missed this so much. i missed smelling his cologne, his hug, his everything - but to me this was wrong.

"we'll leave you guys alone to catch up." kyeongwoo smiles widely as him and doyun head to the kitchen to join sunjae.

"now that they're gone." i sigh deeply as i harshly push jiseok away from me. "what the fuck are you doing here, jiseok? You have no reason to be here, we've broken up."

"chaeri, can we please talk in your room?" jiseok asks softly as he looks in my eyes. i sigh deeply as i nod my head, then looking at the other two.
"you guys stay in the living room, we'll come down in a bit."

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