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on the car ride home, it was silent. even in the house it's silent.
i wouldn't allow jiseok to help me into the house, so saena and i helped each other even though we were both about to fall over. in the end, jungsu had to carry saena in and jooyeon and seungmin decided to drag me in since i didn't let jiseok near me at all.

now we're all preparing for bed. saena shares a room with jungsu, i share with jiseok and the others are in the spare room — some on the floor and the others on the bed.

i frown as i throw my wet towel over my luggage, sighing as i take a seat on the bed and immediantly going on my phone to answer all the messages i got from my brothers.

"are you still mad at me?" jiseok asks softly as he enters the room with sad eyes, looking at me as he sits down on the bed beside me. "baby, i'm sorry but-"

"but you're embarrassed to be with me?" i scoff as i stand up from the bed, looking at him.
"it's just a game, i'm not sure what's getting you so worked up?" jiseok asks as he sits infront of me on the bed, looking up to me with confused eyes.

"you didn't even kiss my cheek, forehead, whatever. you said before that you wanted us to be forever. is that changing?" i ask with slight tears forming in my eyes. i'm not sure if it was because i was drunk or these were genuine feelings. jiseok sighs deeply as he stands up and tries to hug me, but i back away.

"baby, it's nothing like that." he says softly as he holds my hand. "it's something else, there's nothing to-"
"then what is it? i would love to know." i say as he forcefully pull my hands away from his. at this point i didn't even care that he saw be crying, i just felt so heart broken.

"baby, you're drunk so you're taking this the wrong way." he sighs deeply as he looks at me with soft eyes.

"you have no excuse. you've never seen me drunk so you won't know shit." i hiss as i sigh deeply, wiping the tears off my face as i then i look at him with pain in my eyes. "the whole night you were ignoring me. you only paid attention to me when we were playing spin the bottle. i wanted to spend time with you when we were at the party, jiseok, i really wanted too. but you were with some other girls there!"

"i cant stand seeing you like this anymore..!" with that he pulls me closer to him and cups my cheeks, connecting our lips together as he kissed me softly. i could feel my whole body relax as i stood there, shocked. he then breaks the kiss.
"you were wanting a kiss and yet here you are not accepting it." he whispers. "a bit messed up if you ask me."

"just shut up and kiss me." i mumble as i wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my lips agaisnt his as he smiled. it was just a short kiss anyway, and i was happy with it.

"the reason why i didn't kiss you at the party was because i wanted our first kiss to be romantic, but i guess not." he laughs softly as he lets go of my cheeks as hops into bed, immediantly getting under the covers as setting his arm out. "come on now, you need sleep because you're drunk."

he switches up so much..

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