Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Lover's child? Wow! Hayi, I have never in my life. (No) Lilonke ithini lento? (What is this all about) Listen, I've been gasping since this old man started talking but the last bomb that he just dropped has left the entire room speechless. Andazi noba ndibajonge okanye ndingabajongi. (I don't know if I should look at them or not) I am dreading what this new revelation could mean to the siblings, more especially to my husband who's very fond of his siblings, especially his sisters. All three of us, Jongi, Siya and I, look at the old man with our eyes wide open, while their mom wails like a widow at the feet of her husband. I thought only my family had a Nontsundu but I guess each one has its own and in this family, it's Nobomi. "Tata, xa usithi lover's child, uthetha ukuthini?" Jongi asks. (Dad... What do you mean) Wait, I thought he knew everything so why is he stunned to hear about this? The old man steals a glance at his son who's asking him a question that I think he'd hoped he wouldn't have. Phendula mnt'omdala, phendula. (Answer old man, answer) "Well, before Khunji was born, there were rumours circulating around my family that your mother was having an affair, but I never believed any of those rumours because I knew how much my family disliked her. I knew that they would do and say just about anything to discredit and tarnish her image in my eyes, so I never took those rumours to head. Things changed when my neighbours and friends started saying the same thing about her and I knew that I could not ignore what was being said about her, so I conducted my own investigation and found that indeed she was having an affair," the old man says with a face that looks like he just swallowed a bitter pill. Wow. There's nothing I despise more than people who cheat. Like, if you've had enough of me, and no longer love me, set me free. I'd rather hate you for your honesty than love you for your lies. Society has brainwashed us to a point whereby we not only accept but also normalise nonsensical behaviour and it's actually appalling. Something needs to change, but I just don't know when it will change or who will enforce the change. Anyway, enough about me and my thoughts on this topic, but what I know is that if Siya were to ever cheat on me, I'd pour hot oil on his balls. That's all I'm saying. I take a quick glance at the brothers to see how they are taking the news of their mother being a cheat and their faces resonate anger and confusion towards who, andikho sure. (I'm not) "If she cheated before Khunji was born does this mean that she's the so-called lover's child?" Jongi questions. Ngumbuzo. (A question) A very valid question futhi apha emibuzweni. (Here in the questions) I turn my eyes towards my father-in-love to hear what his answer is going to be to this question because his answer will either build or destroy his family.

"No, she is not. Khunji is my daughter. Though her mother confirmed that she was cheating on me, Khunji is definitely my child."

"Then if not her, who is the love child?" Siya asks his mother since his father has been the one doing all the talking.

"I... I can't tell you. Please," their mother weeps. Yehake, she must answer the question. (Hey) Andithi nguye oye wahamba wavula amathanga akhe to another man while she's married? (Isn't it that she's the one who went and opened her thighs) So now she must deal with the consequences of her infidelity, including the question that may arise. African parents are renowned for refusing to own up to their mistakes, especially those that affect us as their children. Their ability to dodge taking accountability for their actions is honestly mind boggling yet they expect us to be accountable. Double standards I tell you. Anyway, let me stop before I trigger more wounds. "Uzobaphendula Nobomi," her husband seethes. (You will answer them) It's clear where the two brothers get their temper issue from. My mother-in-love shakes her head, refusing to answer the question. Yesana, it's a little bit too late to be remorseful now. (Well) Sekwenzekile. (It has happened) "Mama," Siya's outcry interrupts my train of thought. "Ndiyanicela bantwana bam, izonahlukanisa lento," she tries to convince. (Please my children, this will tear you apart) Yazi, this woman. (You know) Honestly, she has some nerve. "Khawuphendule umbuzo Nobomi," my father-in-love says to his wife before walking back to his seat, leaving her there on the floor. (Answer the question) Ma takes a deep breath, calming herself down, and wipes her tears with the back of her hand. After she's gathered herself, she rises from the floor and walks back to her couch and takes a seat. "Okokuqala, ndingathanda ukuxolisa, kungekuphela nje ngokunishiya nonke kodwa nanga lento endiza kunityhilela yona," she begins. (Firstly, I would like to apologise, not only for deserting you all but for what I'm about to reveal to you) She takes her handkerchief out of her purse and wipes her face before continuing, "I loved your father, very much so and I still do but my actions tarnished that. I knew that there were rumours circulating amongst the family about me having an affair and I tried by all means to defuse them to no avail. I must have been stupid to think that my lies would stay hidden forever. When your father confronted me about my infidelity, I had no option but to set myself free from the chains of deceit that I had chained myself to. I confessed. I won't lie and say that your father neglected me, hence I cheated, no. Andiyazi ndaningenwe yintoni but I found myself seeking and receiving comfort from a man who was not my husband and as much as I knew how wrong I was, I continued to pursue it." (I don't know what got into me) Wow! I can't imagine how hard it must have been for Siya's father to learn that his wife whom he loved, and still loves even today, cheated on him. Yho, akhonto ingumntu. (Oh, there's nothing like a human) "A few months after your father had confronted me about my infidelity, I learnt that I was pregnant. Petrified that the child could have been the other man's child, I hid the pregnancy from my family and his until I gave birth." Yey, uyazithetha izighaqa umama kaSiya, uyandiva? (Hey, Siya's mother is dropping bombs, do you hear me) To hide an entire pregnancy? Hayi no, she's definitely one of a kind. (No) I applaud her. "I guess God forgave me for my indiscretion as Khunji came out looking exactly like her father," she says with a faint smile on her face while looking at her husband whose eyes twinkle at the mention of his daughter's name. It's true though, Khunji looks exactly like her father, but with softer, more feminine features. "After her birth I worked tirelessly to try and redeem myself not just from your father but to the rest of the family as well. This wore me down so much as I had to watch how my actions had damaged my family. I struggled to show affection to Khunjuzwa as the thoughts of how she could have been a product of my infidelity racked my mind. I desperately wanted to wash away the perception that my family had of me, but how, when this child's identity, though proven to be theirs, was constantly questioned? Your father, unlike the rest of his family, continued to love me even though I wasn't deserving. He even brought your grandma to come and stay with us just so that I don't wallow in self-guilt and the what if's. With the help of your grandmother, I managed to work through forgiving myself and working on my marriage with your father. Like all things, the topic of my infidelity became a thing of the past as time lapsed although there were some family members who would throw it back in my face, but I never succumbed to their judgement. As the years went by, your father and I went back to the place where we were in love but stupid me destroyed that once again. This time there was no coming back nor fixing it as I came back pregnant, with a child that was not your fathers." Wow. Siya and his brother place both their hands on their heads as reality sinks in on who the love child is. I see a tear trail down my father-in-loves eye before he quickly wipes it away. How could she do this? How? "Why?" Siya asks in a trembling voice. Hayi ke nyani, why would she cheat on her husband again after he'd forgiven her? (No, honestly) It's clear that she was undeserving of my father-in-law's forgiveness from the get-go. "I want to say I was bewitched but I would be lying. I don't know why but I just did," she whispers in response. So, that's all she's going to give us? She's not even going to try to justify her actions? Wow! *claps once*

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