Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

It's the weekend and we're cuddled up in bed, listening to each other's heartbeats after feasting off each other's bodies for the majority of the night. One thing I can confidently say about my man is that he definitely knows how to lay the pipe down. My swollen belly seemed to not hinder him one bit from performing his duties. Yes, my nectar is swollen and tender right now, but trust me, if he were to ask me to have another go at me, I'd willingly bust it open. The weather is a bit gloomy today, so I presume we'll be indoors for most of the day stuffing our, I mean my face with food while enveloped in each other's arms. An update on the Epsom salt situation; he came right after it but he still doesn't trust my cooking. Every time I cook for him, I either have to taste the food before he eats it, or I have to plate for the both of us in one plate so that we eat together. Ndinixelela ngendoda yam ke mna. (I'm telling you guys of my man) We have also started buying things for the babies on top of those that I'd already bought with Thando when I was still keeping my father-in-loves divorce a secret, which brings me to my next point. I have been speaking to Lulu recently, which I've always done anyway since we met, but of late she's been expressing to me how she's getting 'weird vibes' from her eldest brother. Knowing what I know, I tried to find excuses for his behaviour, but nothing. I even went to the extent of informing Siya of Lulu's concerns and urging him to speak to his brother about him getting his act together but it seems like even after all that, nothing has changed. Sigh. I don't know how it happens that I always find myself in the middle of this, yes mine, but for now we will refer to it as this family's drama. Look, I may have been lobola'd and all, but no bile has been smeared on me at the Mathanzima homestead neither have I signed at Home Affairs so that cupcake knows that I'm a married, so with one foot in and one foot out we will refer to my in-loves, in this instance, as 'this family'. No judgement, please. Anyway, this thing with Lulu is weighing heavily on my shoulders. I don't want her to ever find out about her paternity, at least not like this. I thought that what ma, tata and the two brothers agreed upon, but upon learning about Jongi's recent behaviour, I'm beginning to question his true motives towards her. If he's not careful, he'll not only hurt Lulu, but the rest of his siblings too. Imagine the guilt that may consume Khunji when she learns of her mother's infidelity, that she was the lucky one to be the result of her father's seed whereas her sister wasn't? Imagine the pain that Lulu will be in when she finds out she's her uncle's child? No, Jongi can't do this! Ayikho le. (This is not on) Having a witch for a mother is enough, Lulu doesn't need her brother turning against her as well.

Siya's hand on my protruding stomach steers me away from my thoughts as the babies start to kick. He chuckles. He loves how they always react to his touch. Also, is it weird that I can now tell their different kicks whereas I didn't even know I was carrying a third baby a few weeks ago? Yeah neh? (Right) "Good morning sthandwa sam," he greets in his groggy voice that makes the inner parts of my thighs ache. (My love) This is why I'm going to have my tubes tied as soon as I give birth otherwise with a voice like his, I'm bound to fall pregnant again. He places his hand in between my thighs and sweeps it closer to my core but I tighten my thighs, trapping him in place. He chuckles. "What? Awufun' ndikuphinde?" (You don't want me to do you again) Colour sweeps to my cheeks. I always get shy when he talks dirty. I smile endearingly at him before I respond, "Baby, no. Ndiyeke." (Leave me alone) Though I'm saying no now, deep down, I'm screaming yes. But in all honesty, your girl is tired. Between carrying these babies and this man's heightened libido, I'm spent. "Okay, ke ndizokuyeka but please release my hand. Ndine nkantsi," he says to me with a bright smile on his face while trying to free his hand from between my thighs. (I'll leave you alone... I have a cramp) Knowing this one, this could be a trap to try and slide into my temple, so I slowly part my thighs while anticipating his next movement, but lucky for me, he does as promised and removes his hand and places it back on my swollen stomach. "Ulele kakuhle?" he asks me while gently caressing my stomach with his eyes fixed on mine. (Did you sleep well) I raise my hand to his face and palm his cheek, "I did sthandwa sam, I did. Wena?" (My love... And you) His face beams as his lips curve into a beautiful smile that shows his pearly whites. "After last night, oh yes baby. I slept like a baby," He says before wetting his lower lip with his tongue, capturing it in between his teeth as though reminiscing about last night. Idiot! I gently hit his shoulder with my hand while I watch him eye fuck me. "Baby, man," I whine, blushing. He releases his ever so beautiful laugh before drawing me closer to his vibrating chest. "Uxolo ke mam'abo. Ndiyekile," he apologises to me with no sincerity in his voice. (I'm sorry their mother. I've stopped) Idiot! Our moment is disturbed by his phone that buzzes on top of his bedside table. Arg! Timing bethuna! (People) Timing! He grabs it and answers it without looking at the screen. "Hello," his baritone voice vibrates beneath my ears. I hear a female's voice echo faintly from the speaker before raising my head to look at him, throwing him an intuitive gaze. He carefully removes me from his chest and jolts up from his sleeping position, leaving me a bit alarmed. What's going on? "I'm coming! I'm coming," is all I hear him say to the person on the other end line as he gets up from the bed. He grabs his pants from the floor, puts them on at lightning speed, and riches out of the bedroom without wearing any shoes or t-shirt on top.

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