Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

A few months later

It's been a long and exhausting past couple of months but I'm glad that all of that has now passed and we are now back in our humble abode. We stayed in Lady Frere for two more months as the Dr declined our, well my request to transfer them to Port Elizabeth as that could have possibly tampered with their progress. After much crying and begging I came to understand I accepted my reality and focused rather on having healthy babies than focusing on my own personal wants and needs although my intentions were for their own good. The twins stayed in hospital for just over two months before they were discharged, and let me tell you, it's been a struggle adjusting. Look, having to adjust to being a mother is one thing, but being a mother of two is even worse. Worse for a first-time mom like me. If it's not the crying, it's the changing of the nappies, or the feeding. I swear it feels like I'm in a whirlwind where I'm being thrown from one direction to the other. It doesn't help that since they were discharged, I've hardly had any proper sleep even though their father is hands on. After they were discharged, we stayed eLady Frere for an extra week just so we could settle into somewhat of a routine. Taking care of infants in a hospital is different from taking care of them on a full-time basis hence the need for us to stay an extra week. Makhulu has been very instrumental in helping me figure everything especially when the twins start crying for nothing. I won't lie, due to exhaustion and frustration, I've had moments where I've cried with them, but Makhulu advised me to try and keep calm at all times as the babies could feel when my emotions and when my spirit was unsettled hence, they'd retaliate by crying or being distressed. I tried, well I still do but it's not that simple but regardless of how tired and frustrated I get, one thing is certain, I love my children. Feeding time is the time we get to bond and be cooped up in our little bubble of happiness. I love how they stare into my eyes with their big and round hazel eyes as they feed off me. Which brings me to my next point. The little buggers can eat. I'm sure babies generally have a huge appetite but aba... (These two) No way. I feel like a cow. I literally breastfeed them every two hours and fortunately, I'm producing enough milk for both of them, thanks to makhulu's remedies. They are now big and heavy babies, with plump cheeks and rolls all over their legs and arms. I even struggle to carry them around; that's how heavy they are. Their father on the other hand seems to not find them heavy at all. If they're not on his hip, then they're both laying on his chest. That's one of his favourite things to do these days napping with them. You'll find the house dead quite kanti they're all sleeping in the nursery or in our room.

We're currently in Port Elizabeth, in the new house. We returned a week ago and it's been mania since. The house is still not furnished beside the bed the Siya bought before we went on our mini vacation. We did however manage to purchase two sunshine bassinet with mattress wooden cots for the twins but the rest is not done. I spent the last week purchasing furniture, appliances, linen and anything you can think of that would be needed to turn a house into a home. This included making calls to interior designers who'd be able to assist with setting up the rest of the house, including the nursery in less than a week. That's what utata walomzi demanded. (The man of this house) He said he didn't want nor felt comfortable with having strangers in home for too long. I think he's still rattled by the Qaqamba thing. Just the thought of her makes me want to retch. As I was saying, this man doesn't want anyone in this house who's not a family member, this includes a nanny. Sigh. The topic of hiring someone to help with the kids or the house at least has been an ongoing debate in this house. Siya sees no need for us to hire someone who'd come and help us. He wants us to make use of cleaning service companies, but I don't want to. If we go to cleaning service companies, that will mean that we'd get exposed to different people every time they come to our house and that's the same as inviting strangers into our own home. Mandy's people were good, yes, but knowing that Zonke works there from time to time, and that Mandy is Q's half-sister... I don't want anything that has to do with them. Speaking of Zonke, we still have not heard anything from her after the drama she caused eLady Frere a few months ago. A part of me is relieved that she's gone radio silent on us and I'm hoping that she's let everything go but another part of me believes that she's still coming for us. Siya has assured me on multiple occasions that we're safe and that nothing will happen to us, but I can't be too certain. Zonke's a woman whose sister was murdered in the most brutal way. There's no way she's going to let this go. It's still surprising how we haven't had cops knocking on our door to arrest Siya. Anyways, as I was saying, Siya's refusing to allow us to get a nanny or a helper so for the time being I've been juggling most things on my own. I won't lie and say he doesn't help me around the house; he does help. When he knocks off from the office at midday, he comes and either tidies the house or washes and folds the babies' never-ending clothes or he'll make supper. I appreciate his efforts but at some point, we'll need the help. I'm not intending on being a stay-at-home wife and mom. I plan on going back to work as soon as these babies hit four months, so he needs to make a plan or at least use the next couple of months to acquaint himself with the idea, otherwise izobakhona ingxaki. (There'll be trouble)

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