Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


The beeping sound of these machines is contributing to my sombre mood. It's been a few hours since Siya left and I'm hoping that he's okay wherever he is. The loss of our son has made me so appreciative of those around me. Going forward, I want to spend my time making new memories and building a solid foundation with my family. One thing's for certain; I don't ever want to find myself in this position; second guessing every decision I've ever made and questioning the time I spent bonding with my baby. Never again. One of the nurses came to ask me if I'd like to see the twins; I declined. I don't think I'm ready to see them in their father's absence. He's the pillar of my strength right now. I pick my phone from the bedside table and dial his number. He picks up on the first ring, "Themba lam." (My hope) I would smile but something in his voice is scaring me. It sounds cold, stoic and void of any emotion. "Uphi?" I ask instead, I will ask him the rest when I see him. (Where are you) He releases a heavy sigh before responding to me, worrying me. "Ndise ndleleni, sthandwa sam." (I'm on my way, my love) He doesn't sound convincing at all. A lone tear trails down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away. "Uright? Abantwana bona?" He throws all these questions at me all at once. (Are you okay? What about the kids) I coil my hand into a ball, digging my nails into my skin, fighting the urge to cry. "I'm fine baby," I respond in a shaky voice. I hear him heave an exasperated sigh. "Sendizofika, sthandwa sam." He reassures me. (I'm nearly there, my love) The pain on my chest subsides. We stay on the line in silence for a while, still on the call. "I... I miss you," he confesses. I sniff as the tears trickle down my face. "Hurry up and come back to me then... To us," I whisper, shielding my neediness. He chuckles softly against my ear and the sound of his laughter blankets my heart with warmth. This man has my heart, truly. "I'll be there in no time," he assures me. We share a few endearing words before ending the call. I place the phone down next to me and lay down before getting lost in thought. I get disturbed by the sound of my door creaking open. I sway my eyes towards it and smile when they land on someone I wasn't expecting. "Anga," I say, sitting up from the bed. His face breaks into a beautiful smile before he waltzes into my ward. When he reaches me, he enveloped me in one of his signature hugs. "Nomdade," he says, squeezing the life out of me. (My sister) I giggle while inhaling his scent, settling into his embrace. This one likes acting like he's older than me. I withdraw from the hug and raise my head to look at him. "I missed you," I truthfully say. He plants a tender kiss on my forehead before pulling me back in his arms.

"I missed you too, nomdade," he murmurs against my chest. (My sister) My door bursts open and Lu barges in already screaming 'skwiza' at the top of her lungs. (Sister-in-law) She stands frozen by the door when she realises that I'm not alone in the ward. "I'm sorry. I wasn't aware you had company," she mumbles, avoiding all eye contact. I want to laugh. Anga's arms loosen around me as he stares at Lulu with his mouth hung open. My brother is whipped. The chemistry between them is still there. Not sure if it's reciprocal or what but it's still there. The love-struck duo is still frozen when more people barge into my room. Mom walks in with Wami in her hands followed by makhulu who's also followed by Khunji, Siwe and Fezeka. I extend my hands to my mom, reaching for Wami, which she does, reluctantly and Wami starts giggling as soon as she's in my embrace. I start kissing her plump cheeks as tears fall freely down my cheeks. I missed her so much. "You're not going to greet your mother?" my mom asks, sulking while standing next to me. I guess some things will never change. I giggle and raise my head to look at her with Wami still in my arms. "Uxolo, sthandwa sam," I say, smiling sheepishly at her. (I'm sorry, my love) I hear muffled giggles behind her, definitely Lu. "Suzenzisa Nono," she says, brushing me off. (Don't pretend) I missed her; I missed her calling me that. I take her hand into mine and look at her while brushing it with the back of my thumb. She turns to look at me with softened eyes. If she doesn't stop looking at me like that I'm going to break down and cry and right now that's the last thing I want. I just want to forget, even if it's just for a brief moment. I've done enough crying for today. I think she can sense my mood and desperation for us to not talk about the pink elephant in the room as she averts the looming conversation. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your in-laws?" she asks, sweeping her eyes across the room. Ngumamam ke lowo. (That's my mom) She likes putting me on the spot; she knows how much I hate having the spotlight on me. I try hiding myself behind Wami but Zandi is not having it. "Hayibo, Nono. Ndazise tshini," she demands. (No, introduce me) This woman. Siwe is about to giggle when I glare at her warningly. She cowers away. Me and her are still not on good terms but I trust we'll resolve our issue soon. There's no other way; she's my sister. I inhale sharply before going around the room introducing mom to all the members of the family who are present. "Ufile?" Zandi taunts. (Did you die) I look at her with the corner of my eye. Anga chuckles. He knows how saucy our mother can get. I shake my head 'no' and focus on my niece who has grown so much since I last saw her. "Koti, ubukhe watya?" That's makhulu. (Daughter-in-law, have you eaten) I honestly have no appetite. I mumble a faint 'no', hiding my face behind Wami. I know she's not pleased with me.

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