Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

The way Siya is driving you can tell that he's a taxi driver for real. He keeps chopping and changing lanes like it's no one's business. I can already feel bile churn in my throat. If it wasn't for the fact that I want to get to my babies as soon as possible, I would've asked him to slow down. I don't even know what the plan is when we get there because we're both in such a state. Siya parks the car at The Paxton Hotel and we both jump out and rush inside, but I stop Siya when I see that he's half naked. "Baby! Bhabha!" I call out to him. (Baby) "What?" he snaps at me. I indicate with my eyes how he's bare chested and is wearing no shoes. His mind seems to snap back into reality as he rushes back into the car to put on a jacket that he always keeps in his boot and a pair of ragged old sneakers that have the sole sticking out. After he's done getting dressed, we walk back inside the hotel. I have no idea where everyone is, only he does, so I'm following his lead. He passes the receptionist who's looking at us peculiarly and I honestly don't give a damn. I know we both look like hobo's right now; but that's the least of our worries right now. I'm still taken aback by the immaculate decor and architecture of this hotel when I feel him grab my hand into his and drag me behind him. I guess my curiosity was slowing us down. We approach the lift, and he presses a button before it pings open. A couple exits the lift before we both jump in. He presses the button that'll lead us to the first floor. The ride to the first floor is silent and soon the lift pings again and the doors open. He steps out with my hand still in his. We pass three doors before he knocks on the fourth one. We wait for a few seconds before it creaks open, and we're met by a surprised makhulu who has a sleeping Alu in her arms. "Hayibo nibekwa yinto apha ebusuku?" she asks, making way for us. (What brings you here this late) Now that she asks, sizothi sizokwenza ntoni apha without alarming them? (What are we going to say we're here for) Siya clears his throat before leading us both inside the room which I now see is a family room and is shared by my mom and makhulu. Thando is sleeping peacefully next to his other grandma all cuddled up. My panic and anxiety subside. 'At least they're safe' I internally say to myself. Well, for now at least. Siya gives my hand a gentle squeeze before letting go of it. I guess that was his way of also letting me know that our babies are safe. "Hayibo Nono, mkhwenyana, ingaba yonke into ihamba kakuhle?" my mom asks, alarmed while getting off the bed. (Hey Nono, son-in-law, is everything well) It seems like they were getting ready for bed. They're both already in their PJs and gowns. Now I feel bad for disturbing them so late at night. Well, it's not that late but we all know how old people are larks; go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning.

Siya scratches the back of his neck with his hand, and I know that whatever's going to come out of his mouth next is either a lie or heavily diluted.

"Eish, oledy. Bendikhalelwa ngumaDlamini apha." (Ey, old lady. MaDlamini was crying here) Hayibo! Why's he lying using my name? My mom looks at me with wandering eyes.

"Hayibo, uthi yintoni ingxaki?" Mom asks her son-in-law. (What does she say is the problem) I guess they're going to speak about me like I'm not with them in the room. Nice!

"Uthi akazukwazi ukulala engababonanga abantwana." (She says she'll not be able to sleep without seeing the children) My eyes snap open in shock. Hayibo, uSiyabulela! (Wow) My mom claps her hands once before folding them across her chest.

"Hayibo, Nomzamo! Kutheni usokolisa umkhwenyana wam nje?" (Hey, Nomzamo! Why are you bothering my son-in-law) Great! Now it's all my fault.

"Hayi wethu, yekani ukoti wam," makhulu says in my defence (Hey, leave my daughter-in-law) As'bonge, mnt'omdala. (Thank you, elderly person)

She takes me by my hand and leads me to what I presume is her bed since it's empty. She makes me take a seat before placing Alu in my arms. I can tell that ma gave her a bath and changed her clothes. I gently caress the back of my index finger over her tiny fist as she sleeps. As though she can sense me, she grabs onto my finger and holds it tightly against her chest. My heart swells.

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