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    "Valentine's Manual." I stated loudly, walking around my desk with my copy of said book in my grip. "Yesterday I assigned you all to read the first 300 pages of it."

    I leaned against the front of my desk, whilst looking around my class. "Who would like to come up here and prove they did the reading assignment?"

    Out of all 33 kids in this lecture, two raised their hands. The only two who ever raise their hands, pay attention and not only do the reading I assign, but exceed the limit.

    "Yes Lillian, go ahead." I said, watching her smile and stand with her copy of the book in hand.

    "On December sixteenth of 1859, Mager acquired by lease a piece of land in the block between 69th and 70th Streets Avenue A and the river from Edmund H. Pendleton and he added thereto in 1860 large slices of the interests of other heirs in nearby property." She stated, proudly.

    As she should.

    "Very good Lillian, you may take your seat." I stated, smiling gently at the sweet girl. "For those of you who don't know what anything she just said is, that was from page 147." I said, walking back around my desk, placing the book on my desk.

    "I suggest you all actually read the book considering it will definitely be on the exam. Now unfortunately that is all the time we have for today but I recommend you all study the book, exams are next month and as it stands now, most of you will fail." I sighed.

    "Have a good day." I said, putting my things in my bag, getting ready to leave.

    I quickly gathered all my papers into a stack, letting the pages fall into a neat line before sliding them into my bag. As the last student left the room, I glanced at my watch and saw it was already 3:24.


    I have to pick up the boys at 3:30, so I rushed with the rest of my things before quickly heading to my car to get my boys.

    It's been rough the past few years, the boys are honestly the only reason I haven't given up by now.

    "Hey mom, how was your day?" My eldest son, Kingston, asked as him and his brothers got in the car.

    "It was good honey, how was school?" I asked.

    "It was good, we have a new teacher. He's awesome." My second eldest son, Kolson, said whilst grinning widely as his brothers nodded their heads in agreement.

    "Yeah, he gave us a tip on how to keep track of our notes during class. It helped a lot." My youngest son Kolton, stated.

    "That's good, I'm glad y'all had a good day. I have to go to the library for some books, y'all wanna go or stay home with dad?" I asked them, not missing the look of fear in their eyes at the mention of their father. I don't blame them though.

    Their father wasn't always a heartless bastard. Something just changed in him over the years, I've tried leaving numerous times. The last time being when I found out I was pregnant. But Martin is the sheriff, so all my attempts of escape ended in vein.

    Martin is abusive and it terrifies the boys. It's petrifies me too but we can't leave because his deputies will always do his dirty work and help find me, handing me back over to the devil himself on a silver plater.

    "We wanna go with you." They all said. I nodded and drove off to the library, our home away home.

    Home away from hell as I call it.

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