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   Cat telling me she's pregnant was definitely not on my list of reasons she could've been pissed at me for, but boy am I glad it was.

   I purposely never asked if she wanted to use a condom or anything, in hopes it would get her pregnant. And I'm so happy I just hope she doesn't have to go through a miscarriage.

   I watched my mom go through it and it looks so painful and heartbreaking, I would never want Cat to go through that.

   After dropping the boys off at school, I headed to my office for the meeting. The Italian mafia guys are two brothers who took over at a young age after their mother died and their father fell apart.

   They called me due to my power in the US to help them find their sister. Before their mother died, she had given birth to twin girls but only one survived the birth.

   I walk into the meeting room and sit across from them. "My apologies on keeping you waiting so long, I had to drop my kids off at school." I said.

   "You have kids?" One of them asked.

   "Yes, triplet boys." I replied with a smile. "Now, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit."

   "We need your help. As you know, our mother gave birth to twin girls before she died but one did not make it due to complications." One stated.

   "At the time, our father was too drunk to think straight and ended up giving her up for adoption." The other continued.

   "We found her once when she was twelve, but a few years later on her fifteenth birthday she disappeared after she found out some things."

   "Do you know how old she would be now?" I asked.

   "She should be at least twenty six."

   "Okay well all my files and important business papers are at my house. If you would like y'all can give me your names and numbers and I will make a meeting for this week for y'all to come and I will help to the best of my ability." I explained.

   "I'm Lucifer and my brother is L'uccisione." Lucifer said.

   "Okay well nice to meet you boys and you should be getting a call tomorrow to schedule the meeting."


   I walked in the house and immediately went to find my lovely girlfriend. I looked in the kitchen, the living room, bedroom, library, then finally my office and their I found her curled up reading a book with the dogs laying on the floor around her.

   "Having fun my dear?" I asked quietly.

   She looked up at me and smiled, her cute little glasses on, her hair in a messy bun, wearing my hoodie and a pair of her shorts.

   She's never looked more beautiful.

   "Hey, your just in time for dinner. I was gonna go get the boys while it cooked in the oven." She said, as she got up and wrapped her arms around my neck.

   "I'll ride with you, mi amor." I said, kissing her forehead.

   Before she could respond, her phone started ringing. She pulled it out of the pocket of my hoodie, a frown taking place on her face as she looked at the number.

   "It's the school." She said to me before she answered. "Hello?"

   "What?" She said, a worried look coming across her face.

   "I'm on my way." She said before hanging up.

   "What's wrong?" I asked.

   "The boys got into a fight." She said walking down stairs with me following.

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