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   I didn't think I'd ever have to see him again but here he is. In my children's school.

   After I put the boys to bed, I decided to explore the house a bit more since it's huge and I've only been to the main part of the house then my bedroom.

   "You okay?" Rylee asked, walking beside me.

   "Yeah just wish I knew a way to get these emotions out of me." I admitted.

   "Come with me." He said, before grabbing my hand and dragging me down the hallway.

   He swiftly pulled me into a room with some instruments. "Is this a music room?" I asked, looking around in awe.

   "Yeah, the boys may have mentioned that you use to sing when you got stressed or something so I figured I'd show you this." He said as he took a seat at a piano.

   "I'm gonna play a few notes and just sing your heart out." He said.

   "Okay but don't judge too harshly, I'm not the best at singing." I smiled as he started playing.

   "And all that I did to try to undo it!

   All of my pain and all your excuses...

   I was a kid, but I wasn't clueless!

   Someone who loves you wouldn't do this!"

   I sang, putting so much power behind my voice, letting all that built up anger, hurt, and sadness show in the words.

   "Wow." Rylee said when I was done singing.

   "I've never actually let myself go like that before. I felt so free and alive." I smiled.

   "I have a song I wrote a while back about the first guy I came out to who broke my heart but it never sounded good in my words but I think you can make it sound amazing. Wanna give it a try?" He asked, handing me some papers.

   "Sure why not." I agreed and he sat back down and started playing the guitar.

   "He walked in,
In those white stitch lucchese.
I'd be pushing up daisies if his looks could kill.

He said where you from,
I said none of your business
He said I should visit, maybe one day I will.

He smiled and I laughed and he sat down..
And I wish I knew then what I know now.

That boys a heartbreak in boots.

He'll walk right out on you, like the last call, whiskey he shoots.

It's a good kinda burn til it hurts and you learn that..

That boys a heartbreak in boots."

   I finished singing and we ended up writing a song together. "The song is beautiful Ryles." I complemented.

  "So is your voice." He smiled back. "Do you feel better?" He asked.

   "I feel so much better, thanks for showing me this room." I smiled.

   "There y'all are. I've been looking everywhere for you." Ryker said as he walked in.

   "I just needed some time alone and Rylee showed me his secret spot." I giggled.

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