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   "You love her don't you?" I heard my mother ask quietly as I watched Cat and Kingston sleep.

   "Yes." I replied almost instantly. I didn't need to hesitate or think about it, I knew she was the one I'd spend the rest of my life with.

   "Then tell her." My dad said. I looked over at him and mom, smiling.

   "I told her I had feelings for her but I don't want to make her feel overwhelmed by telling her I love her. I just told her about feelings a few hours ago." I explained.

   "She loves you too. She just doesn't know it yet because she's never felt it before." My mom said. "I was her once. In an abusive marriage to a guy I didn't love, a child who depended on me. Then a wonderful man saved me, helped me raise my child, took him in as his own. I didn't know what love was until I found your father. She'll get there eventually you just have to give her time." My mom further explained before she laid in my dads lap.

   I looked back down at Cat and Kingston, warmth and love filling my entire body. I love all four of them, they are my life now, and I will do anything to protect them.

   My thoughts where interrupted when suddenly the dogs stood up and started growling towards the stairs and front door.

   "What is it guys?" I asked them quietly as to not scare anyone right away.

   They started barking at the door as Olaf and Thor ran upstairs, still barking.

   Cat woke up when they barked and held Kingston closer to her when she saw Loki standing protectively in front of them while barking at the door.

   "Kingston stay here." Cat said as she got up and ran after Olaf and Thor, upstairs.

   "Mom!" Kingston yelled before my mom grabbed him, holding him.

   "Cat!" I yelled hearing glass break upstairs. I ran up followed by Riker and the dogs, going straight to the boys room.

   Cat was standing in front of Kolson and Kolton, her arm bleeding but she doesn't seem to notice or care as she stared at the broken window.

   I walked over in front of them pointing my gun at the intruder. "Who are you and what do you want." I asked before he slowly stepped closer into the light.

   "What are you doing here?" Cat asked, voice shaking. "How did you find us?" She asked, I have a bad feeling I know who this is.

   "I've come for my wife. You should know by now that I'll always find you." He said sinisterly.

   "You can't have her. She's not yours anymore." I said, before she slid her hand into mine.

   He looked down at our intertwined hands before chuckling. "Oh you think just because I let you leave, you can move on from me? Face it, I have ruined you. You will forever live with the memory of me, those scars will stay for a lifetime. They will never heal no matter how hard you try." He chuckled as he walked further into the light.

   I can fully see him now, along with the gun in his left hand. I pushed Cat and the boys behind me. "Riker take the boys downstairs." I said, my eyes never leaving Martin.

   After Riker had taken the boys out of the room, I kept my hand intertwined with Cat's.

   "Come on Kitty Cat, you gonna let me shoot your boy toy?" He asked, tauntingly.

   She let go of my hand and slowly stepped out from behind me. "Cat,"

   "No, I can't let you get hurt for my mistakes." She said before turning back to him. "Take me, kill me, do as you wish. But leave my family alone." She said.

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