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   Ow my head.

   Opening my eyes was a struggle but after many failed attempts I finally did.

   Only to be met with an unfamiliar room.

   "The hell?" I muttered.

   "Goodmorning baby, glad your awake." A voice said as it came closer.

   I looked in the direction of the voice, oh shit. "Ava?" I asked.

   "Yes Killian it's me. Who else would it be?" She smiled as she sat on the bed next to me.

   I looked down at the bed and then at myself. I'm naked.

   "Please tell me we didn't..." I trailed off.

   "Fuck? Yeah we did and it was amazing. I'm so glad we're back together." She shrieked in her annoying as voice.

   "No no no no no this can't be happening. We aren't back together I have a girlfriend that I love I would never do this to her!" I exclaimed as I stood up, putting on my pants.

   "Yeah well this view says a little different." I heard from behind me.

   "Rylee please it's not what it looks like." I pleaded.

   "You leave your pregnant girlfriend at home all night saying you had a 'business meeting' only to go fuck your ex girlfriend? The hell is the matter with you!?" He exclaimed.

   "I'm his girlfriend." Ava said.

   "No your not!" Rylee and I said in unison.

   "She has been worried all night and all day, I told her there was no need to be worried because you probably fell asleep at your desk again. I track your phone to make sure your not dead in a ditch somewhere so she will stop stressing, only to see your phone pinging at your ex's house! What the fuck dude what am I supposed to tell Cat?" He yelled.

   "Nothing! You tell her nothing. Because that's what happened, nothing happened between us and I have no idea how I got here the last thing I remember was being at my office and falling asleep then suddenly I wake up here." I explained as I put my clothes on.

   "Really? So you drunk dialing me telling me you miss me doesn't ring a bell?" Ava scoffed.

   "No not at all. I love Cat and I love our kids and I would never do this to her. You have to believe me." I pleaded to Rylee.

   He's my only chance at Cat even listening to me after she finds out about this.

   "Let's just get you home. You get to explain to her where you were because I'm not gonna be able to tell her." He sighed, as we walked out the door.

   We pulled up into the driveway and I went inside.

   "Oh thank god your okay." Cat said as she hugged me.

   "Yeah for now." Rylee muttered as he walked away.

   "What happened?" She asked, worry evident on her face.

   "I just fell asleep at my desk." I lied.

   I can't tell her the truth, I promised her I would never do to her what Martin did.

   I'm worse than Martin because he never told her he'd be faithful or anything so technically he never broke any promises.

   Me on the other hand, I promised so many times that I would never hurt her.

   And that's exactly what I did.


   The day went on and Cat seemed happy, I hope she doesn't leave me when she finds out the truth.

   I was in the closet getting dressed when I heard our bedroom door open and close.

   Walking out of the closet I noticed Cat wasn't in bed anymore.

   She probably went to get a snack so I laid down and waited for her.

   But after almost an hour and she still hadn't come back, I decided to go look for her and after a few moments I heard her voice coming from the music room.

   "I always wondered if I was fine.
You made me believe your lies.
Love is the devil!
I can't explain!
Just how your words do some shit to my brain.
Love is the devil.
It always tries, to come in and haunt me and mess with my mind!
Love is the Devil."

    She sang, and it sounded beautiful but almost painful.

   "That was amazing, you have a real talent." I heard Rylee say.

   "Okay there's the sad song now I want you to hear the one I wrote to get my anger out." She replied before I heard her press a few buttons on the electric piano.

   "Did you go full recorder mode on it?" Rylee chuckled.

   "I sure as hell did." She giggled in response.

"Does my name come up in your relationship?
And shit go down in flames when you let it slip.
Your under her cause we're over.
Yeah missing me feels like..

   Oh shit.

   She knows about what happened.

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