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   Ava ❤️- had fun with you last night baby, can't wait to do it again.😏

   That text was enough to absolutely break me but the picture she added after that was the last straw for me.

   It showed them in bed together, clearly indecent. So I left the room, I didn't say anything to him at all and just went to my new safe place.

   When I got there, Rylee was already there and I told him what happened and we ended up writing some songs together.

   It's now been a week and a half since then and I have been secretly meeting with my brothers. At first it was an accident.

   Tyler took me out to sing karaoke with him and they where there. Turns out my oldest brother L'uccisione is a music producer and he actually wants to sign me as a client.

   So I've been working with them to make my music more known and Rylee is my partner.

   Killian hasn't said a word to me since the day he came home and I'm not complaining. I've moved out of our room and into my own room again and he also had not tried to get me back into our room so I'm relieved about that.

   He has been going out every night now and he no longer tries to hide it. The lipstick on his shirt, the hickies, but tonight was the last straw.

   I was giving him space because I was pissed and also so he could come to me himself and tell me what happened.

   I had a special dinner planned out to see if he would let me tell him about my baby doctor appointment but he come home two hours late and he wasn't alone.

   They were making out the whole time they walked down the hall and to his room, not once did he notice me or the nice dinner I set up.

   So I've made my decision, I'm leaving.


   After crying on Rylees shoulder for an hour about what happened, he said him and Esme are leaving with me and the boys. Yeah he finally got to adopt Esme.

   "Ryles are you sure you want to leave with us?" I asked him as he helped me put the bags in my car.

   "Yes I'm sure. You are the first person who ever made me feel like I can be myself and you won't judge me for it so I am one hundred percent sure that this is what I want." He smiled.

   "Im sorry about everything honey. I don't know what's going on with him." Mirella apologized as she hugged me tightly.

   "It's okay Mom, he'll regret his choices one day and it'll be too late. He may have been the one to break my heart but he's also the one who showed me my true worth." I smiled at her as I hugged her back.

   "What's going on?" Killian asked as him and Ava walked outside.

   "Me and the kids are leaving, I would've told you but you seemed to have been preoccupied recently." I said, glancing at the blonde on his arm.

   Kingston got out of the car and walked over to him, tears in his eyes. "You promised Killian." He cried.

   I picked him up and put him back in the car before giving Mirella another hug.

   "Wait you can't leave. What about the baby? It's mine you can't take it away from me." Killian said.

   "I can and I am. I gave you two weeks to come clean to me about you cheating on me and you never did. I even set up a dinner last night to hopefully get your attention long enough to tell you about the baby doctor appointment I had but you where too busy making out down the hall to even notice. That was the last straw so I figured if you didn't care enough about me to stay loyal, then I have no reason to stay." I shrugged, tears running down my face as I got in the car.

   Rylee got in after me and we left, leavings stunned looking Killian in the driveway.

   "Okay, California here we come." Ryles said.


   "Finally you guys made it." Lucifer chuckled as he hugged me.

   "Thanks for letting us stay with you." I said.

   "Anything for our lovely sister. But don't forget you have a gig tonight at a fancy restaurant." L'uccisione said after he hugged me.

   "Right so let's get unpacked and practice." Rylee said.

   After we unpacked and got settled in, we all went to the studio they had in their house and started recording the songs we wrote recently.

   The kids loved listening to our songs and before we knew it, it was time to go to our first performance.

   "Okay guys, y'all are gonna sit here with uncles Luci and Lucifer. Promise me you'll be good?"

   "Yes mommy." The boys said.

   I smiled and kissed their foreheads before heading backstage with Rylee.

   "Okay so we have our set list, our mics are set up, my guitar and piano is plugged in." He said as he went over his mental checklist.

   "And now, a performance from a new up and coming duo Rylee and Cat!" The announcer spoke.

   We walked out on stage, Ryles grabbed his guitar as I grabbed the mic.

"I was only there if she would leave.
Take back the shit that you own!
Reminds me of when we where whole!
I am confused, do not know what to do cause I think of when we were in love.
Give back the time that you stole!
Guess I did not mean anything at all!"

As I sang, the crowd was admiring the song and smiling at us.

"Pull me along while she was on your arm,
Did not care because I was in love with you..."

   I finished the first song and everyone clapped.

   After a few more songs it was now time for the last one. The one that always makes me cry.

   Rylee looked at me to make sure I was okay and I nodded for him to start playing.

   The piano keys rang out through the restaurant and I took a breath before beginning.

"Oh oh oh it burns,
Seeing you move on with her.
Oh oh I wish you hurt like I do..
Like I do..."

   The crowd seems to hear the pain in my voice as I sing and suddenly they all turn their flash lights on their phones on and begin swaying them back and forth.

When I think of you forgetting me.
Guess I thought that I'd be more than just a memory.
It burns...
Seeing you with other girls."

   I finished the song and the whole restaurant erupted in applause.

   When Rylee placed his arm over my shoulders and hugged me, was when I realized I was crying.

   After this night, our lives will never be the same again.

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