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"Dad, when are we going to the park?" Kingston asked, him and the boys sitting at the counter eating cereal.

"After we visit your mom in the hospital, she should be waking up soon." I responded, putting juice boxes and snacks in a bag for the boys.

"I wish we could take all the dogs." Kolson pouts.

"I know buddy but they stay at the hospital to look after your mom. That's the only reason I'm taking y'all to the park, because I know that Loki and Olaf won't let anything happen to her." I said, kneeling in front of him.

"Okay when y'all get done eating, go put your shoes on and meet me in your moms room to say bye before we leave." I said, grabbing the bag and setting it by the door. I walked down the long hallway to the hospital wing, straight to her room.

I walked in and saw the dogs sit up to look at me before laying back down. I walked over and sat in the chair next to her bed, grabbing her hand.

"Hey love, it's been a few days. The boys are doing great, they've talked me into taking them and three of the dogs to the park today. I know they miss you, they probably miss your cooking more, I can't cook worth a shit and can't for the life in me, figure out how to make their eggs the way they like me." I chuckled.

"The doctors say that your healed up for the most part, now they don't know why you won't wake up but mom says it your body needing time to heal mentally. Which I guess I can understand, you've been through a lot and probably never had time to really process it all. You where just forced to deal with it." I rubbed the back of her hand.

"I love you, Catilina. I haven't known you long and everyone might call me heartless or the devil or whatever they think but you have brought something out of me that I didn't even know was there." I smiled.

"And those boys, they make me feel like I was meant to be a dad. I know I'm probably doing almost everything wrong but they seem happy and I guess that's really all that matters." I said, looking down at our combined hands.

"Oh! Mr. Knight, I didn't know you where stopping by today." Sharon, the slutty nurse that always flirts with me, said as she walked in.

Rolling my eyes I reply, "I literally show up multiple times every day." While still looking at my Catilina.

I can hear Sharon moving around the room but don't pay any attention to it as I continue to look at my love.

Sharon then places a hand on my bicep, running her hand up and down before talking. "You know she isn't gonna wake up and you don't really wanna be stuck with her kids if she doesn't, do you?" She asks.

"Please get your hands off me." I said, in a scarily calm voice. Normally I wouldn't but I'm in a room with Cat and I know the boys will be hear any minute and I don't need them hearing anything I truly want to say to her.

She then walks around my chair and sits on my lap, which causes the dogs to growl.

"Sharon get off of me before I-"

I don't even get to finish my sentence before a pen is shoved into Sharon's shoulder. "I believe he asked you to get off. So get the fuck off him." I hear that melodic voice I've been dreaming to hear.

I push Sharon off me, her still screaming and crying, not that I care. I get up from my chair and immediately pull Catilina into a kiss.

"Mom?" I hear from behind me, causing us to break the kiss.

"Hey my babies." Cat rasps out with her blindingly beautiful smile.

The boys immediately run over and hug her. "Easy boys, we don't need her stitches opened back up." I chuckled.

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