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I woke up this morning, the first time in forever, and actually felt well rested.

I threw my hair up in a messy bun and walked downstairs in my shorts and oversized t-shirt.

"Good morning Lina. Sleep good?" Lila smiled at me from the kitchen island.

"Yes I did. Thank you again for helping us out, not to mention convincing your parents to let us stay with y'all."

"Oh don't thank me, that was all Killian." She replied with a small smirk.

"What was all me?" Killian asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Oh just how it was you who convinced mom and dad to let them stay here and to help you talk to her." Lila replied.

"Thank you." I said.

"Yeah no problem." He said dryly before leaving the kitchen.

"Ignore him, he's not a morning person." Mirella said, walking into the kitchen from a different hallway.

Before I could reply, a pair of small arms wrapped around my waist from my left before joined with another pair from my right and finally Kingston who walked in front of me and wrapped his tiny arms around me as well.

"Good morning my babies, did y'all sleep okay?" I asked.

They grunted in response, nuzzling the faces into my shirt.

"They aren't morning people either I see." Mirella laughed as she sipped her coffee.

I nodded with a smile.

"Mommy I'm hungry." Kingston said before his brothers agreed.

"What do you darlings want for breakfast?" Mirella asked.

"We want mommy's famous breakfast of champs." Kolson said excitedly, his brothers smiling in agreement.

"Okay why don't y'all sit at the counter with Lila while I make your breakfast." I said before kissing their foreheads and walking around the counter to the fridge.

"Do you need any help dear?" Mirella asked.

"Not at all, you just sit and relax. I'll make breakfast as a thank you for letting us stay with you." I smiled at her, gather everything I need for breakfast.

I grabbed a pan for the sausage and a small round pot for the eggs, setting them on the stove.

I let them heat up before placing a few sausage patties in the pan. I chopped up some bacon and sprinkled a little bit in the pot before stirring it around for a few minutes.

Once the bacon was finished I place two eggs in the pot with the bacon before mixing them together. I placed a lid on top and let it cook for a minute as I flipped the sausage.

I placed six pieces of bread on two sheet pans before slicing some cheese and putting it on top, once the over was preheated I put the toast in and set a timer for three minutes. I flipped the egg before putting it on a plate and starting the second bacon and egg mix.

Soon I had three plates full of the boys favorite breakfast.

Kolson's with grape jelly on his cheese toast, salt and pepper on his bacon eggs, and syrup to dip his sausage in with orange juice to drink.

Kolton's with his plain cream cheese toast, ketchup on his bacon eggs, and syrup on his sausage with milk to drink.

Then Kingston's with his plain cheese toast, salt and syrup on his bacon eggs, and his sausage cut up in tiny pieces on top of his bacon eggs, with apple juice to drink.

I placed the boys plates in front of them, kissing each of their heads, earning a chorus of "thanks mom" from them.

"Your welcome babies."

"You gonna make my plate too, mom?" Riker joked, walking into the kitchen.

"A, never call me that, and B, your older than me. Make your own plate." I replied jokingly.

"It smells wonderful." James said as he walked in.

"I'm not sure how y'all like your breakfast but I made the boys favorite, sausage with cheese toast and bacon eggs." I said, setting a plate in front of Lila.

"Bacon eggs? Don't you mean bacon and eggs?" Riker asked.

"No I mean bacon eggs, I made it once when the boys where younger because they went through a period of only eating bacon so I put the bacon in other foods to get them to eat it and now it's the only way they'll eat eggs." I explained.

"Killian went through a phase like that. When he was three he would only eat Mac and cheese." Mirella said, smiling at the memory.

"Where is Killian anyways?" Ryker asked.

"He's in a grumpy mood today so I assume in his office." Lila said, her mouth full of food.

"Here if your going up there, take him his plate, please." I said, handing Ryker, Killian's plate.

"Will do Mama's." He said, leaving the room.

"Stop calling me that!" I yelled after him only causing him to laugh.

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