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"I sent over the papers for you to sign." I spoke into the phone.

"Alright I'll sign them and get 'em back to you." L'uccisione replied.

"How are they?" I asked. I always ask the same thing everytime we talk.

"Their good. The boys start high school next month and Cat is not ready for it." He chuckled.

He always tells me about Cat and the boys but he never mentions my baby she was pregnant with when she left.

"I know asking this is probably a waste of time but I have to ask anyways, is there any way I can come visit for the boys birthday in a few weeks?" I asked.

It was silent for a moment, but I heard background noises like he was talking to someone. Then he finally spoke. "As long as you promise to not use it against Cat. Meaning no dropping by whenever you want and no using it to try and get her back." He replied.

"Deal." I immediately agreed.

That's the best conversation I've had with him since they all left three years ago.

We got off the phone and I left my office and went downstairs.

My mom and dad where in the living room watching tv.

"Hey" I said sitting in the chair beside the couch. "What are y'all watching."

"Catilina 𝙰𝚗𝚍 Rylee had a concert last night and we recorded it so we are watching it now." Mom replied as Cat and Rylee walked out on stage.

"How we doing Cali!" She yelled into the mic causing the crowd to go wild.

She's so confident in herself and it makes her a thousand times more beautiful than she already is.

Rylee started strumming on his guitar as the music played and they sang into their mics together.

"Was it all cause you hated my boyfriend?
Did you only want me for yourself!?
Cause it only took you three weekends,
To go and fall in love with somebody else.
You begged me to be your girlfriend."

"She sounds even better everytime I hear her sing." My mother praises.

We watched the full show and she was absolutely amazing. When it got to the final song, the lights turned blue minus the spot light.

"Okay this next one is a bit sad, I wrote it last night so tell us what y'all think." She said before they started the song.

"What if I never find anybody to love?
Or if I finally get the chance and I fuck it all up.
Cause I can't get hurt if I'm the first one to leave..."

I will love you Catilina, I will always love you and I only hope you can trust me again.

"Oh, what if I get to heaven and it's not even real?
And I die before telling you how I really feel?
Cause it feels like hell and I just can't help but think,
That maybe loves not for me..."

After the song ended, we could tell she was in tears but then the show was over.

I could feel my parents gazes on me but before they could say anything I got up and left the room.

I went to my office and sat at my desk.

I can't believe it's been three years and she is doing absolutely amazing while I'm broken.

I can't blame her though because of what happened.

Loving Her (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now