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I'm in love with Killian Knight.

I knew from the first time Lila brought it to my attention. She asked why it bothered me so much when Killian wasn't around and I told her I didn't know.

To which, Lila replied with, "it's because you love him." I wasn't sure of her words before now.

As I looked into Killian's eyes and could feel the love and honesty in his words, I knew my feelings for him.

Killian slowly brought his hand up and pushed my hair behind my ear gently.

"Mom." Kingston said, coming over to us.

"What is it baby?" I asked, turning to face my son.

"Can I go get Kolson and Kolton so they can get their presents too?" He asked.

"Of course, honey." I smiled at him.

"Can I leave my book in here so I don't loose it or anything?" He asked, turning to Killian.

"Of course little man, why don't we put it right here so you can get it whenever you want." He said putting the book on the shelf behind him, earning a huge smile from my son.

Kingston hugged Killian again before running out of the room to get his brothers.

"I'm glad he likes me now, though I'm sure he still likes my dogs more." He said jokingly.

"They have always wanted a dog and I've always wanted to get them one but Martin never let me. Probably knew I'd get a dog that would protect the boys from him. I hated seeing them so sad but now I've never seen them happier." I said, smiling up at him.

He smiled back, "those dogs are meant to protect, their actually bred to protect not only the owner's but also their kids. I want to get a female Doberman because their more aggressive to attackers but their only more aggressive protecting women and kids. I don't have kids and Lila isn't a kid anymore so I never had a reason to get one." He explained.

"Female Doberman's are so beautiful their my favorite dog, those and German shepherds." I said.

He looked at me, his eyes scanning my face. "You're so beautiful." I said softly.

I couldn't help the heat that immediately rushed to my cheeks as his eyes glanced back and forth from my lips to my eyes.

"May I kiss you?" He whispered leaning closer.

I couldn't form any words so I simply nodded, and that was all he needed before gently pressing his mouth to mine.

Fire immediately spread from my lips all throughout my body at his touch. I reach my hand up, cupping his cheek, kissing him back.

"Mom?" I heard and we instantly pulled away.

There stood all three of my boys staring back and forth between me and Killian. Kingston stared at Killian hard before smiling, "Lila owes me ten bucks." He said proudly.

"Kingston said to come see you for presents." Kolton said still staring at Killian.

"Yes I uh got y'all presents and your mom said it was okay to give them to you." Killian explained, going over to his desk as Kingston came over and sat in my lap, grabbing his book.

Killian handed Kolson a wrapped present before handing a different shaped one to Kolton.

They ripped into them as Killian returned to his seat beside me. We watched the boys open their gifts, their faces lighting up.

"Mom! He got me an art set with everything in it!" Kolton exclaimed, showing me the clear case with different brushes, pencils, paints, sharpeners, eraser's, and even different sketch pads.

"Wow that's amazing, what do you say?"

"Thank you Killian." He said, as he walked over and hugged him before returning to his art.

"Mom look! He got me journal's and pencils!" Kolson said excitedly before running over to Killian, hugging him. "Thank you thank you thank you!" He said then ran over and immediately started writing in his journal.

"You didn't have to do this." I said, looking at Killian.

"I wanted to. Y'all have been through enough and deserve some happiness for once." He said, smiling at me.

"Killian can you read to me?" Kingston asked.

"Yeah can you read us Alice in Wonderland? We haven't read it in forever!" Kolson asked, as him and Kolton came over to sit with us.

"Of course buddy." Killian replied, as Kolson climbed up in Killian's lap.

Kingston handed him his book and curled up into my chest, as Killian began reading.

Barely fifteen minutes into the book, all three boys where past out asleep. Kolson and Kolton on Killian, and Kingston curled up in my lap.

Killian put the book down carefully before gathering Kolson and Kolton in his arms. I stood up gently while still holding Kingston and we slowly walked them down the hall to my room where they have been sleeping.

After laying them down, I kissed their heads and we quietly left the room.

"This is the first time I've ever seen them so happy." I said, as me and Killian sat on the couch.

Thor and Loki, two of the five Doberman's, came over and sat with us. Loki is a beautiful black and rust brown color and Thor is a brown and blonde color.

Loki laid beside me with his head in my lap, as Thor laid in between me and Killian, also with his head in my lap.

"Barely known you two months and you've already stolen the hearts of my dogs." Killian jokes, putting his arm on the back of the couch behind me.

I giggled, petting the dogs on their heads. "I promise I didn't mean to." I said as Killian chuckled softly.

"It's okay, you've stolen their owners heart too." He said, looking at me.

"Hey guys." Riker said as he sat beside me. Loki sat up and looked at Riker for a minute before laying his head back in my lap.

"Fuck off Riker." Killian sighed.

"Language." I said, looking at Killian.

"Right, sorry love." He smiled, kissing me cheek causing my cheeks to redden.

"Aw look, She's blushing." Riker said, pinching my cheeks. Loki and Thor looked up at him growling as Thor nudged his hands off my cheeks.

"Hey you like me more than her I gave y'all treats." He said to them before they just laid their heads back in my lap. "Traitors." He huffed, crossing his arms.

"Riker don't pout, it's not very manly." Mirella said as her and James joined us in the living room.

"Y'all want to watch a movie?" Killian asked.

Riker got up and went to the shelves of movies before pulling out Avatar.

He put it on and grabbed a blanket before curling up into the arm chair closest to the tv.

Thor hopped up and went over to lay in Mirella's lap, as Kingston walked over to me, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Mommy I wanna lay with you." He said, standing in front of me.

I moved over, laying my head on a pillow in Killian's lap before Kingston laid in front of me, nuzzling his head into my neck.

Killian placed a blanket over us before Loki curled up on top of the blanket behind my legs, laying his head on my leg.

I don't know when it happened but at some point I fell asleep right there, and for the first time in forever, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

If only I was able to wake up with a smile on my face as well...

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