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   "How could you not tell me that you found them!" My mother yelled, as she hit my arm with her magazine.

   "Mom I was focusing on getting to know my kids that I didn't know about." I admitted.

   She gasped, dropping her magazine. "Kids? Plural?" She whispered.

   "Yeah, another set of triplets." I sighed as I sat on the couch. "I can't imagine how scary it must've been for her, learning she was having triplets again after the first time was so rough." I said, placing my elbows on my knees.

   "Where is she right now?" My dad asked.

   "She had to get the triplets from day care and the boys from the park. She's letting me be alone with all of them tonight to hopefully get Kingston to like me again and so I can spend time with them all. Plus she has an interview at six she has to go to." I explained.

   "That's right! She's supposed to be showing a sneak peek of her new song coming out. I'm so excited because I have all her songs downloaded." Lila exclaimed, after staying quiet the whole time they've been here.

   Before anyone could say anything else, we heard the front door open and the sound of little feet running.

   "Kaston and Kaden no running in the house, you know better." We heard Cat say.

   "Sorry momma." The boys replied before rounding the corner into the living room. "Daddy!" They yelled, running to me.

   "Hey little beans, how was school?" I asked, picking them up.

   "It was good for us but not for Kazzy." Kaden replied.

   "Why not for Kazzy?" I asked.

   "Because she told a boy she liked him and he called her a cootie monster then ran away." Cat explained as she walked in.

   "Catilina dear you look so beautiful." My mother said, walking over to hug her.

   "Mo- Mirella, when did you guys get here?" She asked, shocked.

   "Dear you can still call me mom even if your not with my idiotic son anymore." My mom replied.

   "Wow I feel loved." I said, rolling my eyes.

   "And who is this little cutie?" Mom asked, looking down to Kazzy in Cat's arms.

   "This is Kazzy, she's a little upset from today." Cat said, rubbing Kazzy's back.

   "Mom why don't you sing her that song you wrote for her the last time this happened?" Kolson said walking into the room with his brothers.

   "Oh dear heavens their so big and manly now." My mom said, staring wide eyed at the three of them.

   "Yeah mom keeps saying she's gonna put bricks on our heads to make us stop growing." Kolton chuckled.

   "Because your taller than me now and that's not natural!" Cat exclaimed.

   Mom hugged the boys before they sat on the couch and started talking.

   After a few minutes, Cat carried Kazzy upstairs. I waited a minute and followed them to check on Kazzy.

   When I got upstairs I heard Cat's gorgeous singing voice.

   "Ohohoh it burns,
Seeing you move on with her.
Ohoh I wish you hurt like I do,
Like I do..
When I think of you forgetting me
Guess I thought that'd I'd be more than just a memory.
It burns.
Seeing you with other girls."

Loving Her (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now