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I laid in bed with the dogs for hours until it reach one am and realized the dogs hadn't used the bathroom yet.

I got up and slipped on one of Killian's hoodie. They're so big on me they reach my knees.

"Come on boys." I called quietly as I walked out the bedroom.

I went downstairs and opened the back door for them to go outside and do their business while I sat on the patio steps and looked up at the stars.

"Couldn't sleep either?" I heard from behind me. Automatically knowing who it was, I didn't bother looking behind me.

"It's kind of hard to sleep without you." I admitted quietly.

He sat beside me and I could feel his gaze on me as I kept looking at the stars.

"Rylee told me the truth. About him being gay and how your the first one he told." He said.

"Yeah, I would've told you but it wasn't my secret to tell. Plus it seemed you where having fun coming up with your own theories." I scoffed.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of it. I was just frustrated and angry. I had spent almost a whole week without talking to you and it was killing me." He admitted.

"You don't want anymore kids." I blurted.

"Is that why you've been ignoring me? Because if it is then I do want more kids I just figured we should wait a bit but we can talk about it more if you want I mean-"

"No that's not what I mean..." I said, looking down as Loki came over and laid his head in my lap.

"Cat, are you pregnant?" He whispered.

I looked at him with tears starting to run down my face. "I didn't want to tell you because the day I found out, I was told I would more than likely never make it to my second trimester." I cried.

"After I had the triplets, I had scar tissue and trauma on my uterus and it prevented me from having anymore kids until now. Dr. Greene said it's possible to still get pregnant but it's not possible to carry it to full term. So I was gonna wait and tell you till I knew for a fact that I would be able to carry it but then you said you didn't want anymore kids right now and I freaked out because I thought if I waited then it would be too late for an abortion if you didn't want it but then I was pissed at myself for even considering an abortion but then got pissed at you for even making me consider an abortion and your mom assured me you would still be happy about it but I just feel like I'm loosing my fucking mind right now." I sobbed as the dogs sat in front of me, Loki licking my face.

Killian put his arm around my shoulders and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry baby girl. I didn't mean for it to sound like I didn't want anymore kids at all I just thought it was what you wanted to hear. I thought since you where getting over Martin that maybe you weren't ready and you where only asking because you thought I would force you to have my kids. I would love to have kids with you but only if you want that." He assured me, holding me tightly.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"No you have nothing to be sorry about."

"Ti amo tanto." I said.

"I love you so much too." He replied.


"Boys! Come eat breakfast before school!" I called out, putting their eggs on plates.

"Their getting dressed my love." Killian said, coming over and kissing my cheek.

He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, placing his hands on my stomach. "How far along are you? I think I feel a small bump."

"No I'm just bloated, happens after eating." I sighed.

"Well the bloated bump is still cute." He said, kissing my cheek again.

"Gross dad." Kolson said as him and his brothers sat at the table.

"You'll understand when you get older and fall in love." Killian chuckled.

"Okay boys hurry up and eat so I can get y'all to school." I said.

"Oh I can take them. I have a meeting in town so I'll be heading that way anyways." Killian said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, he's sure. Now go sit down and stop stressing. It's not good for the baby." Mirella said as she dragged me out of the kitchen.

"Mirella, I'm fine. I don't need to sit down." I tried to assure her.

"Catilina, honey please just sit down and rest." She pleaded.

I nodded and sat next to her before Killian came in and handed me a cup.

"Oh is it coffee? I need coffee."

"No my love it's tea. You can't have caffeine." He said, kissing my forehead.

"How did you know that?" I asked.

"I did research."

"When? You just found out last night and we went to bed right after."

"No I started researching after you agreed to give me a chance." He shrugged.

"You started doing research on pregnancy after only knowing me for a few weeks?" I gasped.

"Baby girl I've known I was gonna spend my life with you and I figured I better be prepared."

"Dad we're ready." Kingston said, walking into the room.

"Alright tell your mother bye and let's get going." Killian said before kissing my lips. "I love you." Then he kneeled down and kissed my stomach. "And I love you as well bean." He said before getting up and walking out the door with the boys.

"He really does love you." Mirella said.

"I really love him too." I smiled.

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