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"Hey Cat?" Rylee broke the silence.

I hummed in response as I continued focusing on my music book.

"Are you pregnant?" He blurted.

"Rylee what the heck? No I'm not preg-" I started before stopping myself.

I grabbed my phone and checked my period tracker. Holy shiz.

"I'm late." I whispered.

We sat in silence for a minute as I tried to recalculate in my head and it always came back with the same one week late.

"Rylee can you please go get me a test?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah definitely, I'm on it." He replied quickly before leaving.

What if I am?

I currently have six all under the age of sixteen.

I mean granted three are the same age and the other three are also the same age but still.

Oh god.

If I am, I really hope it's not triplets again.

I'm so caught up in my train wrecked thoughts that I don't even realize Rylee running in with bags.

"I didn't know which one to get so I got one of each." He panted, thrusting the bags into my hands.

I hugged him tightly as I thanked him before running to the bathroom.


Oh thank heavens. I thought as I took a deep breath.

"What's it say?" Rylee asked.

"It's negative." I answered, "which is a good thing, right? I already have six I don't need any more."

"If it's a good thing then why are you crying?" He questioned.

I brought my hand up and felt my cheek, feeling the damp tears as they slid down my face.

"I don't know." I replied.

"You don't know what?" I heard Killian ask.

I quickly hid the test from his view and smiled. "Nothing honey."

"Well I uh got some dishes to fold." Rylee stated as he left the room.

"Did he just say he was gonna go fold the dishes?" Killian questioned.

"He was definitely dropped on his head as a baby." I replied before walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you my beautiful queen." He said, kissing my neck.

"I love you too my handsome king." I giggled as he picked me up and set me on the bathroom counter.

Suddenly I felt his body go rigid. "Cat, what's this?" He asked, looking down at the pregnancy test.

"Oh it's nothing Rylee asked if I could be pregnant and I realized I was a week late so I took a test." I explained.

"We're having a baby?" He beamed.

"No honey it came back negative." I sighed.

"I thought two lines was positive?"

"It is."

"Then this says positive." He said, holding the test.

"No babe that says negative." I argued.

He put the test on the counter and pulled out his phone, before putting it too his ear.

"Hey man, I need a favor. Cat took a pregnancy test and thinks it says negative but I think it says positive, can we stop by and have you check?" He said to someone on the phone.

"Thanks cuz." He nodded, hanging up.

"Who was that?"

"My cousin, doctor Corben." He replied, picking me up off the counter.

"Boys I gotta take your mom to a doctors appointment, behave, watch your siblings and don't listen to Rylee or Ryker." Killian said before we left.

"Babe I'm telling you it's negative." I argued.

"Baby girl don't argue with me, we're about to find out for sure." He chuckled as he put his hand on my thigh.

We drove for a while in silence until suddenly the car was jerked, and we where rolling across the pavement.

It felt like forever when we finally stopped, my vision was spotting but I could tell we where upside down.

"K-Killian.." I rasped out.

"Catilina, are you okay?" He replied, as he cut his seatbelt and crawled to me.

"It hurts Killian, everything hurts." I cried.

"I know baby, it's okay I'm gonna get you out of here." He said soothingly.

He reached down and pushed the panic button on the dash before cutting my seatbelt and helping me down.

He was helping me out of the crushes car when a gunshot rang my ears.

Killian jerked to the side as the bullet tore through his right shoulder.

"Grab her." Someone said.

I kicked and thrashed, to try and prevent them from taking me but to no avail.

Soon, the adrenaline wore off and I passed out staring into my own eyes.

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