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"Dad! Over here!" Kolton yelled from the other side of the barn.

We ran over to him and Kolson, "What is it?" I asked.

He handed me a picture and I looked at it with Kingston looking over my shoulder.

"Esme?" Kingston mumbled.

"That's not possible, she's with her friends at their house." He said, pulling his phone out.

He put it to his ear for a few seconds before pulling it away cursing. "She's not answering." He said before putting it back to his ear.

"Who you calling now?" I asked.

"Rylee." He answered.

"Hey uncle Rylee, have you heard from Esme?" He asked.

"Well can you try calling her please?"

"Just call her, she's not answering me and it's important!"

"Kingston put him on speaker." I said, as he nodded and did what I asked.

"Okay I'll add her to the call." Rylee said over the phone.

We heard a few minutes of silence before he spoke again.

"She's not answering me either I'll try and call her friends mom." He stated followed by another minute of silence before a lady answered.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hey Olivia, it's Rylee. Can you ask Esme to call me? She's not answering her phone." He asked.

"Oh she went home earlier. A lady named Catilina picked her up."

Rylee was silent for a minute. "Okay thank you."

The lady hung up and Kingston looked a bit relieved.

"She's not here." Rylee said.

"Mom didn't pick her up?" Kingston asked.

"No she's been her all night asleep on the couch with Kazzy." Rylee said quietly.

"We're on our way back." I said as we walked out of the barn and ran to the car.


"But I haven't left the house all night." Cat said after we explained to her what happened.

"I know that's why we need to figure out who has her." Rylee said.

"Did you try tracking her phone?" Cat asked.

"Shit why didn't I think of that." He replied before getting his laptop.

"Her friends mom said that the lady looked like Catilina, we sent her a picture and she confirmed the lady has Cats face but different hair." I stated.

"But how is that possible?" Cat asked.

"We don't know." I said.

"Bubba?" Kazzy said, rubbing her eyes.

"Hey princess, go back to sleep." Kingston said, picking her up.

She has a different nickname for each of her older brothers and her brothers treat her like a little princess. She calls Kingston bubba, Kolton bubs, and Kolson bubby.

"It's shut off. I'm not getting any signal from her phone." Rylee sighed defeated.

"So what else do we do?" Kolson asked.

"We don't have a choice but to wait until we can find anything else. Meaning we get some rest and try again tomorrow." I said.

"Tomorrow I want you boys asking everyone at y'all's school if they have heard from her at all. Me and Rylee and Ryker are going back to the barn to see if we can find anything in the daylight that we might have missed." I said.

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