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   Friday afternoon, it's currently 4pm and my sister has somehow convinced me to drive her to the library.

Actually I willingly did it after she told me the creepy guy who works here kept staring at her. I didn't want to drive her until she told me that.

"Please don't make a scene about it if he's there. It's a library and I really really like it." My fifteen year old sister, Lila pleaded with me.

"Don't worry princess, I won't ruin it for you." I smiled at her gently.

We pulled up a few minutes later, and go inside this old building that looks like it's been here longer than the town has.

"I love this place bc it's got a few tables where you can sit and read and drink coffee or do work or homework. It's old fashioned and this county needs more places like this." She rambled on with a smile on her face.

We walked in and I walked around with her for a bit before she walked over to the sitting area and sat at a table next to a table with a women sitting at.

"Hey, Catilina!" Lila exclaimed, gaining the women's attention.

"Lila! Hi honey how is the book recommendation going?" She asked, flashing a breathtakingly beautiful smile.

"Oh it was amazing! Maximum Ride might be my new favorite lazy day read." Lila replied, matching Catilina's smile.

"Well I have plenty of other recommendations for you, honey." She replied.

"Oh, right I completely forgot. This is my older brother, Killian." Lila started, bringing Catilina's attention to me. "Killian, this is Catilina. My reading bestie." Lila explained, flashing a bright smile.

"Nice to meet you, darling." Catilina nodded at me, her smile never leaving her face.

"You too, Cat." I nodded back, smirking as I watched her shiver in delight at the nickname.

Before anyone can say anything else, we were interrupted by three little boys running up to Cat.

"Mom!" They whisper yelled.

"What's wrong boys." She asked, instantly kneeling in front of them.

"Martin is here, we have to go before he sees us." One of them said.

Instantly, Cat's face paled and she started shaking. "O-okay. Grab y-your things and let's go." She said with a shaky voice.

They ran off and she stood up, quickly grabbing her things. "I'm sorry Lila we have to go. I uh" she stumbled over her words as she started heading for the door.

"Don't worry I know, I hope you make it home before him." Lila said, hugging Cat.

"Thank you. It was nice meeting you Killian." She smiled softly at me before her and the boys left.

"What was that?" I asked, Lila.

"Martin is her husband." Lila says as she pays for her new books.

"They looked absolutely petrified of him."

"He abuses them but she can't leave. I've tried to convince her a few times but he always gets her back." Lila explained.

"Why can't she leave him?" I asked as we got in the car.

"He's the sheriff, his deputies always help find her. Just like they always keep everyone from asking questions about it. She doesn't have any family left except her kids." Lila explained with a sadness to her voice.

"That's bullshit. We gotta get them out of there." I said, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"I've tried, we can't."

"That's some bullshit! What's her full name?"


"What's her full name, Lila."

She sighed before writing something down and giving it to me as I parked the car in the driveway. "Her name is Catilina Alves, she's 26 years old. This is her number, address, and where she works."

I took the paper and nodded.

"Promise me you won't make it obvious to Martin that your planning on helping her. She always ended up covered in bruises when he found out I wanted to help get her away from him." She pleaded with me.

"I promise, princess. I'll help them without them getting hurt."

She smiled and hugged me.

"Now let's go tell everyone and start making a plan. Better be a good one if he's as bad as you say he is." I said and we went in side.


   "I don't know bro. We don't usually help get involved in this kind of shit." My life long best friend and right hand man, Riker, said after I told him about Cat.

   "Yeah but this isn't just any case, we have multiple witnesses that know she is being abused by her husband, her kids being three of those witnesses. Lila even has photo evidence of bruises he's left on her. I looked into her files, she grew up in the foster care system until she got adopted at fifteen by a women named Nicole Lucas. Then mysteriously fell off the grid at age fifteen but after talking with Lila I found out her boys are eleven years old. Meaning,"

   "Meaning her sick bastard of a husband got her pregnant at the age of fifteen and ran off with her to keep it hidden." My father finished my statement with disgust in his voice.

   "This poor girl has been stuck with this man since she was fifteen and was forced to have his children while enduring his abuse. I don't care if y'all don't usually get involved in this kind of stuff, y'all are helping not only her but her kids and when y'all get them out of that environment, they will stay here." My mother stated as she set down a plate of sandwiches in the middle of the table. "Anyone have a problem with that, doesn't have to help and they can leave my house." She finished with an innocent smile before walking away back to the kitchen.

   "She scare's me sometimes." Riker said, earning a chuckle from my dad.

   "Try being married to her for twenty-three years." He laughed before turning his attention back to me. "So son, what's the plan?"

   "We get them out unharmed, take care of Martin, and get them here safely so that mom doesn't castriate us." I explained.

   "Alright, well let's get to work."

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