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The boys had been sick with the stomach flu for the last week and they are finally feeling better but now I think they gave it to me.

I have been throwing up all morning and can't keep anything down. Lila is sitting with me in bed right now while Killian drives the boys to school.

"Are you hungry? You have to eat something." She said, looking at me.

"I'm craving ice cream." I said, getting up from bed.

"Wait! Killian said not to let you leave the bed." She said, following me downstairs to the kitchen.

I grabbed the ice cream from the freezer and put some in a bowl, I grabbed a spoon and took a small bite.

"It's missing something." I said, going to the fridge. I grabbed the bottle of soy sauce and put some in my bowl, mixing it up and taking another bite.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Lila said.

"Honey I think I know what's wrong with you." Mirella said from the doorway with a big smile on her face.

"I think it's just a stomach bug or something." I said, eating my soy sauce ice cream.

"Come with me dear." She said. I looked from her to my bowl with pouty eyes. "Yes you can bring the ice cream." She chuckled at me.

I happily grabbed my bowl and followed her down the hall to the medical wing.

She walked away to a doctor before returning and handing me a box. "Take these."

"Pregnancy test?" Lila asked. "Oh my god it makes so much since now!" She yelled excitedly.

I grabbed the box with a shaky hand. "Yeah it makes since but it's not possible." I said, looking at it.

"Why not dear?" Mirella asked.

"Because after the triplets I was told I would not be able to have anymore kids due to scar tissue and trauma on my uterus." I explained, tears in my eyes.

"Honey I still think you should take it just in case, so if you are then we can take the proper steps to prevent anymore damage." Mirella said, grabbing my bowl of ice cream from me.

I nodded and walked into the bathroom, and took the tests.

Once I took the tests I put them back in the box before leaving the bathroom.

"Well, what do they say?" Lila asked.

"I don't know I put them back in the box because I'm scared to look." I said, before Mirella took the box from me.

"Where's my ice cream?" I asked.

"Honey I threw that nastiness away, who in the world puts soy sauce in ice cream?" She asked as she slowly slid the tests out of the box and into her hand. She threw the box away before handing one test to Lila.

They both looked at them and showed each other as I stood there playing with my hands.

"What do they say?" I asked anxiously.

They both looked at me smiling. "We should go get doctor Greene." Mirella said before walking off.

"I'm pregnant?" I whispered before Lila hugged me.

"It's gonna be okay, you have an entire house of support." She said.

"Catilina dear, let's go to a room and let Dr. Greene do an ultrasound." Mirella said, walking back over.

I nodded and walked with them to a hospital room.

What will Killian think?


An hour later, I'm back in bed and waiting on Killian to finish with his meeting.

Does he even want more kids? I never really thought about it since I thought I couldn't have anymore. I was perfectly happy with my three boys.

Oh god I hope it's not triplet's again.

"Babe? How are you feeling?" Killian said, interrupting my spiraling train of thoughts.

"Better now." I said, not looking at him.

"That's good, the boys are at school." He said sitting next to me.

"Do you want anymore kids?" I asked, suddenly.


"Well I mean, I see how you are with the boys and just figured I'd ask." I shrugged.

"I mean, maybe someday but not right now. We already have our hands full with the boys and Martin's deputies looking into his disappearance. I just feel like we should wait a bit." He said.

I nodded and laid down under the covers. He kissed my head before getting up. "I'm gonna go feed the dogs."

He left the room and I let my tears fall.


"He doesn't want anymore kids." I cried into Mirella's shoulder.

"Oh honey, I'm sure he would still be very happy about the baby." She said, rubbing my back.

"You're pregnant?" I heard from behind us.

Turning around I saw Rylee standing there looking at me wide eyed. "Yes but you can't tell anyone, please." I begged him, looking at him with pleading eyes.

He walked over and sat next to me and hugged me. "I'm gay." He said, rubbing my shoulder.

"Really?" I asked looking up at him with a soft smile.

"Yeah I have been trying to find a way to tell my brother but I figured it'd be easier to tell everyone else first so I have a bit of practice plus so y'all can help him cope with it or whatever I don't know." He smiled at me.

"I'm honored." I giggled before standing up. "Come on your gonna help me make waffles." I said, dragging him to the kitchen.

Mirella laughing at us before heading down the hall.

"Mom!" I heard my babies yell as they ran into the kitchen.

"Hey my babies I missed y'all." I pulled them into a big hug, kissing their heads.

"Do I get one too, mom?" Rylee pouted.

"You want a head kiss too Ryls?" I giggled as he nodded.

I kissed my hand and smacked him upside the head with it causing the boys to laugh.

"I was gonna ask for one too but if that's what I'll get then never mind." I heard Killian say.

"Ryls, your waffles are burning." I said, ignoring Killian.

"I want waffles!"

"Yeah me too!"

"Me three!"

I giggled at the boys, "good because we're having chicken and waffles for dinner." I said.

The boys started jumping up and down in excitement and it made Rylee drop his waffle.

"What have they done to you." He dropped to his knees beside the fallen waffle.

I gently placed my hand on his shoulder. "They're in a better place now."

He looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows. "On our kitchen floor?"

"Don't ruin the moment."

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