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*Ten Years Later*

"Dad! Kazzy is gonna kill him!" I heard my son, Kaden yell out to me.

I sighed as I got up from the table and walked into the living room to see my sixteen year old daughter holding her brother Kaston with a knife to his throat.

"Kazzy, baby, don't kill your brother." I said softly.

In all honesty, her brothers probably deserved it. She being the only girl in a family with five brothers, they picked on her constantly. But they do it to toughen her up and make sure she never takes shit from anyone.

After that sad day ten years ago, Cat ended up having a miscarriage due to the stress her body had endured and we decided six was an even number and we were happy with that.

It took a while but with the help of our kids, she finally was able to recover from the loss.

"But dad, he is keeping me from getting a date to homecoming." Kazzy defended.

"Then he's doing what big brothers do."

"He's older than me by one minute!" She groaned.

   She has the same temper I use to have, before I met her mother. "Kazzy, darling. Go get ready if you still want that ride to practice." I heard the beautiful voice of my wife.

   I asked her to marry me while she was on bed rest after the incident. We got married a few short months later.

   And I wouldn't have it any other way. She's a wonderful mother, an amazing wife, and sexy as hell.

   "Yes mom, please get out of this testosterone filled house." Kazzy groaned before walking away.

   "You give off more hormones in the house because your bitchy on your period!" Kaden yelled back.

   "Actually, the most prominent hormone a woman produces on her period is testosterone so when you say I'm acting like a bitch, I'm actually just acting like you." Kazzy smirked at her crest fallen brother.

   "There's no way That's true!" He argued.

   "That right there is exactly why your failing health class, son. And yes that fact is true." Catilina confirmed before leaning up to kiss my cheek and leaving out the front door with Kazzy.

   Good I love my perfectly imperfect family.

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