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   Cat has been distant lately and it's fucking killing me. I have never gone this long without talking to her since I met her and now I fucking miss her.

   We live together, sleep in the same room, eat in the same kitchen, read in the same library. Yeah she went back to reading in the library.

   She won't even sit in her reading nook when I'm gone. It's like she wants nothing to do with me.

   We are all sitting at the table eating right now, well more like everyone else is eating while I glare at Rylee and Cat.

   They have gotten really close the past few days and I don't like it one bit.

   "Cat can I talk to you after dinner?" I asked, earning everyone's attention.

   "Sure, about what?" She asked, not looking at me.

   "We can save it for later."

   "Or we can talk about it now."

   "It's more of a private conversation."

   "What's so private that we can't discuss it in front of your family?"

   I sighed and dropped my fork on my plate. "Fine, why have you been ignoring me?"

   "I haven't been ignoring you." She said.

   "Really? Because for the past few days you have barely said ten words to me, your asleep by the time I go to bed and your already up when I get up. Hell, you haven't even fucking looked at me once since this conversation started." I argued.

   "Killian, honey let's just calm down." My mom said.

   "Boys let's go get you ready for bed." Cat said, standing up with them.

   She walked upstairs as the boys and dogs followed her.

   "Killian, don't be made at her. She's going through a lot right now." Rylee assured.

   "Yeah you would know that, wouldn't you?" I scoffed.

   "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

   "Why is it that the same day she starts ignoring me is the same day I come home to see y'all making waffles together as if you're best friends, even though before that day y'all barely talked?" I asked, accusingly.

   "Because she understands me and I understand her. We are friends, nothing else." He said.

   "You understand her? In what way exactly?"

   "Killian, that's enough." Cat said walking back into the room.

   "So now I'm speaking my mind and suddenly it's too much?" I scoffed.

   "My friendship with Rylee has nothing to do with why I've been ignoring you." She said, gathering the dishes.

   "So you agree you have been ignoring me?"

   "Jesus Christ. Yes! I've been ignoring you. Is that what you wanna hear?"

   "No I want to hear you tell me why?" I yelled.

   "Killian, man chill out." Rylee said, walking over to me.

   "Don't fucking tell me to calm down."

   "Your scaring Cat."

   "And suddenly you care so much about her why?"

   "Because she's my best friend!"

   "Best friend? You sure? Or is that what your using as a cover?"

   "What the hell is that supposed to mean? A cover for what?" Cat asked, angrily.

   "Maybe how y'all are sleeping together."

   "Dude! We are not sleeping together!" Rylee said.

   "Really? Because the signs are there! She's distant, closer to you than me, ignoring me for you. Hell I'm surprised she hasn't moved into your house yet. She cheated on her husband with me, why would she settle for me!" I bellowed.

   Cat looked at me with wide teary eyes as she slowly walked over to me. I gazed down at her, and before I knew it, she raised her hand and slapped me across the face. "Screw you Killian Knight." She said before storming up stairs.

   I stood there, staring at the spot she was standing at.

   "We became best friends that day because she was the first person I told about me being gay." Rylee said quietly.

   I looked at him wide eyed. "Your gay?"

   "Yeah, I'm not sleeping with her she's just the first one I told and excepted me with open arms. Without question." He said before walking away.

   "I'm gonna go check on Cat." My mom said before walking away.

   "I fucked up." I whispered.

   "Yeah, you did." My dad agreed.

   "How do I fix this?"

   "I don't know if you can. She lived through an abusive marriage for eleven years. Your words hurt her emotionally. Which is still a form of abuse. But I know my son and I know you will do anything for the woman you love. Sometimes you'll make mistakes, really dumb and big mistakes but if it's meant to be you'll eventually work it out." My dad assured me.

   I nodded and looked up as my mom came down the stairs.

   "Give her time to cool off before you try and talk to her." My mom said.

   I nodded at her again before she smacked me upside the head. "Ow! What the hell?"

   "What the hell where you thinking? Accusing that poor girl of something like that? She trusted you. She let you be a father to her kids and that's not an easy thing to trust a man with but she did it. When she calms down, you better pull the best fucking parade apology out of your ass!" She ranted before walking off.

   My dad patted me on the shoulder. "Welcome to your first night of sleeping on the couch, son."

   I feel like such an asshole.

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