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   I slowly fluttered my eyes open only to stare straight at the bright blue sky.

   I sat up and looked around, where the hell am I? What happened?

   Then I remembered, Cat and I where in an accident, I got shot.

   I reached up to touch my shoulder except I didn't feel anything, no pain, no blood, not even a dull ache.

   "Finally, we missed you."  I heard the most Angelic voice say.

   I cast my gaze in the direction of the voice. "Cat?" I whispered more to myself.

   She looked like Cat but I definitely wasn't looking at my Catilina.

   "Not exactly. I'm her twin sister, Adeline." She said.

   "Where am I?" I asked, standing up from the soft grass.

   "We are in the in between, or that's what I call it at least." She explained.

   "Am I dead?" I questioned.

   "No, that's why I call it the in between. You have the option to go back or to go into the light and hope for the best." She explains before continuing. "He's killed me numerous times but I always chose to go back because I had to find her, to warn her of his wrong doings. But I was too late."

   "Who's he?" I asked.

   "Our father, Adam Lewis. She doesn't remember because she was too young but he raped and used us until CPS took us and put us in the system. He found me a few months later but our brothers made sure Cat was long gone. Father told the boys only Cat survived the birth so when I was locked up by him, they never knew or even suspected otherwise." She explained.

   "How do I go back? We have kids and I wanted to marry her and have more kids and grow old, I was gonna leave the mafia and move to the country house with a wrap around porch, just like she wanted." I said, my eyes beginning to fill with tears.

   "That's all you have to do to go back. Just admit it." She said as she faded.

   "Wait what do you me-"

*Beep Beep Beep*

   "We got a pulse!"

   "Call the OR, tell them we have a patient, grown male, early to mid thirties, with a gun shot wound to upper right shoulder."

   That was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.


The next time I opened my eyes, I hoped it was all a bad dream. I hoped that Cat and I would be in bed, talking about anything and everything.

But it wasn't all a bad dream, I wasn't with Cat. She was gone, and I had no idea where.

"He's awake!" I heard someone say from beside me.

Turning my gaze in their direction, I saw Lila, my mom, my dad, Ryker, Rylee, and all six of my beautiful kids.

"Daddy!" The triplets yelled as they ran up to me.

I sat up, ignoring the searing pain in my shoulder, took off my sling and embraced my kids.

"Hey babies." I mumbled.

"We missed you and mommy, when is mommy coming home?" My little princess asked.

God how the hell am I supposed to tell them that she was kidnapped.

"She um, guys mommy had to take a little vacation with her brothers." I said, I hate lying to them but I can't break their little hearts.

"Hey guys why don't we go get your daddy some snacks?" Lila said as the little ones followed her out.

"Dad, what really happened?" Kingston asked.

I sighed and leaned back in the hospital bed. "We got ran off the road, I was helping Cat out of the car when I got shot. Right before I blacked out I saw four masked men grab her and drag her away."

"Why the hell where y'all even out at night anyways? And don't tell us it was to take her to a doctors appointment because we know her doctors office was already closed by then." Kolton exclaimed.

I sighed and looked down. "Your mom has been feeling really under the weather lately. Her and Rylee thought they knew why and they where right." I sighed.

"Oh my god.. but she said it was negative!" Rylee yelled.

"I found it and I definitely think it's positive." I replied.

"So what was wrong with her?" Kolson questioned.

"Catilina is pregnant." Rylee answered.

The room went silent after those three simple words. Normally I would love this silence but it was so fucking deafening.

"We have to get her back." Kingston mumbled.

"We will. Ryker, she had her phone on her. Can you track it?" I asked.

"I already tried but the signal cut off at her old house. We raided the place and didn't find anything but her phone and wallet." He sighed.

"What about her fitness watch?" Kolson piped in.

"Yeah mom has this fitness watch she uses to help keep in shape for shows and stuff. It has that crash detection and 9-1-1 shit programmed in it." Kolton added.

"We could probably hack it and track her from that." Kingston concluded.

"You guys are fucking brilliant." Ryker said opening his laptop on the table behind him.

"Well have you met our mother." Kolson said rolling his eyes.

"Daddy! We got you snacks!" Kaston said, as they ran back over and got in the bed with me.

They had hand fulls of chocolate bars, granola bars, bags of chips, and Kazzy had an arm full of bags of sour gummy worms.

"Thank you babies." I smiled at them.

As the kids began eating their snacks, Lila walked over and leaned down to my ear.

"There was a creepy doctor who kept looking at me and Kazzy so don't let her go out there without one of the guys please." She whispered.

"Name." I gritted out, trying not to scare the kids.

"I didn't see a name tag but I secretly took a picture of him." She said, before showing me her phone.

His face doesn't look familiar but those shoes do.

I got up, ripping the tubes and shit out of my arms. "Boys stay in here. Rylee, come." I said, as me and Rylee walked out of the hospital room, closing the door behind us.

"What's going on boss?" Rylee asked.

"A fucktard was making eyes at Lila and Kazzy, she got a picture and I recognized his shoes." I explained before looking at Rylee while grabbing his gun.

"He's one of the asshats that took Cat."

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