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"Leave me alone with my thoughts.
Leave me alone driving home in the dark.
Leave me to fall out of love,
Cause love is too hard.
You ask me 'why' but I don't know where to start."

Cat sang before Rylee took over. As we were picking up the kids, Catilina got a call from Rylee, saying he was at the studio and their manager wanted her back there before it closed so we had to quickly drive over without dropping the kids off beforehand.

So right now I am sitting with the kids, while we listen to Cat and Rylee absolutely kill it with their vocals.

"So what's your name handsome?" Their annoying ass manager asked me.

"My name is none of your business." I replied coldly.

"My names Elena." She said, placing her hand on my arm.

"Please don't touch me." I replied.

"Why Not baby?" She whispered, inching closer.

"I believe my husband asked you not to touch him." Cat said as she walked over.

"Your husband?" Elena asked, raising an eyebrow.

I got up and went over to Cat, causing Elena's hand to drop from my arm.

"Yes my husband." Cat replied. "Kids put your crayons and papers back in your bags so we can get ready to leave." She said gently to the kids.

"Yes mommy." They said.

Cat walked over to Rylee and gave him a hug as I helped the kids with their bags.

"Well if you ever decide to ditch the boring housewife, call me." Elena said, trying to give me her number.

"Bitch I don't want your fucking number, I'm happily married and have six kids. Why the hell would I ever drop that for a skank who opens her legs to everything with a dick and a heartbeat?" I yelled.

I picked Kazzy up before grabbing Cat's hand and lead the boys out of the room.

"I'm sorry y'all had to hear dadd yell like that but she was being very mean to mommy and saying mean things. Daddy had to make her stop." I said after we put the kids in the car.

"It's okay daddy we understand." Kazzy said, smiling innocently.


   "Ryker I swear to god if you don't leave me alone, I will replace the break pads on your car with used ones and make it look like your breaks gave out when they find your body in your crushed car!" Cat yelled to Ryker.

   "Mom is ten times scarier when she's sick." Kolson said.

   I chuckled and nodded, "wait until she gets hangry."

   "What the hell is hangry?" Kolson asked.

   "Kolson Cade, watch your mouth!" Cat yelled from the living room.

   "Oh god it has super hearing." We heard Ryker say from the living room.

   "Dude if he don't stop, I'm gonna be an only child." Rylee laughed.

"Baby girl are you hungry?" I asked Cat as I walked in the living room.

"No I'm okay, I'm sorry I'm being a bitch." She said, hugging me.

"Your not, honey. And even if you where it would be expected since you don't feel good and Ryker is annoying." I chuckled.

"I heard that!" He exclaimed.

"You were supposed to." I replied.

"I'm gonna go check on Esme." She said before pulling away and walking upstairs.

"She's been more angry and agitated the past week or so." Kingston said.

"I think I know why." Rylee mumbled, looking at the stairs she went up.

"Wanna share with the class?" Ryker asked.

"Killian can I talk to you for a minute?" Rylee said, ignoring his brother.

I followed him towards my office before locking the door behind us.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Is she pregnant?" He blurted out. "I mean all the signs are there, morning sickness, agitation, headaches, stomach cramps, and she hasn't bought tampons in a month and she restocks after she has her period every month." He explained.

"I don't know but I'll definitely talk to her about it." I replied.

"Let's go check on the girls." He said.

"Yeah I'm about to go wake the triplets up from their nap." I nodded.

We walked up stairs and to Esme's room but didn't see them until we heard the piano.

"Music room." We said in unison.

We continued down the hall to the music room where we heard the girls singing.

"Esme can sing?" I whispered.

"I love you for infinity..
Infinity turned out to be a set number of days.
When you said forever,
Did you mean till seasons change?
You really had me fooled, I truly thought that you would stay.
But I just wasn't it for you, a new girls in my place.
Beautifully done,
I thought I found the one.
Damn, you did that.
You sure had me at infinity.
You really got me to believe, you love me for infinity.."

They sang as we listened quietly at the door.

"Wow aunt Cat I feel so much better after getting it out." Esme smiled.

"I told you honey, bottling it up was only gonna make it worse till you exploded." Cat said, "You can always come to me if you need to talk about it or you can come in here and just let it all go."

"Thanks aunt Cat your the best." Esme said, hugging her.

"Esme, sweetheart can you please go eat something? You haven't eaten anything today." Rylee said, as we walked in.

"Sure dad." Esme smiled.

She got up and hugged Rylee before leaving to go downstairs.

"She can sing?" He asked Cat once Esme was out of the room.

"It's girl stuff, I'm under oath to not tell you." Cat said.

He groaned before sitting in a chair and grabbing his guitar. "Fine let's just work on our set for tonight."

They began talking about music stuff, which I was useless at and I went downstairs to leave to get the triplets.

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