Chapter 5

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As promised, Nagito is there when you leave your house in the morning. You are delighted to see him standing there in the full glory of his Hope's Peak uniform. You immediately smile as you make your way over to him, greeting him cheerfully whilst also feeling the same shyness as you had the day before. You're not sure why you're shy, seeing as you already know he doesn't dislike you in any personal way. You're just like that with everyone, you suppose.

"Hi there, (y/n)!" Nagito answers your greeting with a friendly smile. He looks happy to see you. Surprisingly happy. "I hope you rested well after school yesterday."

You tell him that you did. You're not lying, at least not entirely. The excitement and nerves that come with making a new friend have made your heart feel conflicted. You have butterflies in your stomach over the matter, so to speak. 

"Ah, that's good to hear. Now, why don't we start walking? I want to make up for you getting to school late yesterday morning." He sheepishly rubs the back of his head. "I hope you didn't get into any trouble for it. I'm truly terrible, aren't I?"

You quickly tell him that he isn't terrible, to which he chuckles with a small shake of your head.

"You're too kind," Nagito says fondly before beginning to walk away. You walk at his side. 

As the two of you head over to your school, you notice that he's keeping a brisk pace while staying at your side and not walking too far ahead of you. You don't know if he's doing this on purpose or not but you welcome the gesture nonetheless. You're just happy to have someone to walk to school with...even if the person who's with you doesn't actually go to your school. 

The two of you have idle chitchat about things you like. He asks you what your interests are and you shyly tell him your hobbies and various other things that you like. He seems surprisingly enthusiastic about your interests and encourages you to tell him everything you enjoy doing. You're slightly flustered. After all, it's not every day someone goes out of their way to make someone else feel good about the things they like as opposed to only being interested in themselves. You realize you really like this quality of his and you hope it's something that he'll always have. It makes you feel like he actually cares about you in spite of the fact he only met you the day prior.

When you get to school, he cheerfully sends you off and promises to be there again when the day is over. As you say your goodbyes to him, you wish you had gotten a chance to ask him more about himself. While you feel appreciated that he seems genuinely interested in getting to know everything about you without judgement, you really want to get to know him as well. You realize that you two are hitting it off and are quickly growing to be friends!


After a gruelling day of school, you eagerly walk out of the building and see that Nagito is standing off to the side, waiting patiently for you. He is standing beneath the shade of a tree that grows just in front of the school. The schoolyard is pretty barren aside from that one tree. Usually, kids flock to that spot for shade or for something to lean against whatnot. Your new friend must have arrived there pretty early in order to get that spot to himself. Oftentimes, there are various groups of students standing beneath the spanning branches. 

You greet him happily and he returns the greeting with matching enthusiasm. You tell him that you appreciate him for coming to walk home with you again.

"There's no need to thank me for that," Nagito says. "How could I just leave someone like you alone? You are the kindest person I know!"

You are surprised by this comment. "I am?"

"Yes! Nobody has ever shown so much interest in trash like me before. At least, not on a personal level." He has the same pleasant expression on his face as always. No matter what he's talking about, he always seems upbeat. "Aside from people showing interest in my worthless 'talent', I've never come across someone who actually enjoys my company."

Your cheeks are feeling really warm now. You are at a loss for words, having no clue how to respond to his comment. The way he appreciates you simply for talking to him warms your heart but also fills you with a mixture of sorrow and curiosity. You feel sad that he seems to have no friends or anyone to talk to about anything. Simultaneously, you also wonder what his life is like and why people don't like talking to him. He seems like a really unique and cool person to you. Then again, people are often thrown off by people who are different...

"Do you want to go to the park again today?" Nagito asks you. "Or would you rather me take you straight home? I'd understand if you grow tired of wanting to be around me." 

You assure him that you really like his company and that you want him to be around you. You then tell him that you wouldn't mind going to the park. You want to spend time with him in the same way you had the day earlier. You're really interested in getting to know the boy despite only knowing him for a couple of hours at most. 

He seems delighted. "I'll do my best to make sure you have a fun time then. I'm, uh, not used to talking to people...especially not doing normal things like sitting on a park bench."

You want to ask him what he means by this but decide not to. You're sure he'll tell you more about himself as the two of you get to know each other. You really hope the friendship that's starting to blossom works out for you! 

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