Chapter 24

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You finish the school day easily due to the hug you and Nagito had shared. You're quick to shove your supplies in your locker and head outside when the school day is over. You're delighted when you see Nagito standing there, waiting for you to approach him in his usual spot underneath the tree. Smiling, you hurry over to greet him. 

"Hey there, (yn)!" Nagito exclaims with a smile as you stop a few inches in front of him. "How was your day?"

You tell him that the day was good, though you're too timid to tell him why the day was good. You ask him how his day was as well.

"My day was fine, as usual." Nagito doesn't seem too interested in his own day, as he quickly moves on to talk about the plan to make you an ultimate. "Chiaki and I rounded up the class and started coming up with ideas to get you into our class. It was amazing seeing them all come together to support their friend! Ah, Chiaki is truly an amazing class rep, worthy of the title bestowed upon her!"

You awkwardly watch as he intently looks at his hand. It's a quirk that you've noticed. He looks at his hand often when he goes into his little rambles about hope and talent. You think it's kinda cute but you still are not quite sure how to react to that. You usually just stand there and watch him like you are doing now, waiting for him to snap back into the original conversation. Judging by his excitement, however, you're sure that the ultimates did manage to come up with a pretty good idea t help you attend school alongside them. 

"We came up with a few ideas." Nagito finally begins to talk about what he and the others had discussed. "Teruteru had the idea to make you 'seduce the staff', though we made him shut up about that pretty fast. For now, we decided to see what will happen if Chisa simply asks to allow you to join our class. She'll say that she became aware of your talent and wants to scout you into the academy as her student. We also discussed what your talent will be."

You quickly and curiously ask him what decision they made. You're eager to figure out what sort of talent the class thought suited you. It would give you a bit of perspective as to how they view you.

"It took a bit to decide on the title befitting of you," Nagito admitted. "There were a lot of good ideas. Once again, Teruteru had a less than favourable title...his idea was the 'Ultimate Attraction.' Hiyoko also had a rather inappropriate title, which was the "Ultimate Weirdo", though I suppose her reasoning was fine. She said that you're a weirdo for being friends with me."

You try not to laugh or roll your eyes. Of course, those two would have insane ideas. They were weirdos themselves. Then again, so was every member of that class...and probably everyone in the entire academy!

"There were quite a few other ideas thrown around. Ultimate Classmate, Ultimate Friend, and Ultimate Kind-hearted Individual were a few." Nagito chuckles as he says this. "But...well, we settled for something else. Something that I personally truly agree with."

You ask him what they decided upon, hardly able to bear waiting for an answer. You're dying of curiosity on the inside. You try not to laugh at any of the other titles, as you hardly believe they're what one would consider to be "talents." Still, it does help to see how his classmates see you, and it makes you feel relieved to know that they've warmed up to having you around. 

"We all agreed on the title of Ultimate Emotional Support," Nagito tells you. "I mean...well, that's how I see you. You are amazing at being uplifting when someone is in low spirits. It's a shame that not many people recognize that about you."

You're left speechless for a few breaths. You don't know what to say, feel, or even think about the title. You feel a mixture of gratitude, amusement, and disbelief. You, an icon of emotional support? You can barely even talk to people without stuttering or wishing you could be alone! Still, you feel a surge of affection towards Nagito and his classmates for thinking that was a title you deserve, You're also glad that they value your company so much, believing that you simply being their friend is enough to be good at supporting them emotionally. 

Nagito is looking at you intently, gauging your reaction. You can tell that he's reading your face like a book. "Ah, you look like you're trying to comprehend it. That's okay. If it isn't a good title, you can always ask us to change it. Our teacher is going to be waiting until tomorrow to ask if you have permission to become one of our classmates. We wanted to see if you'd approve of your talent first. If you have another talent you think suits you, you can tell me now. Though, judging by how you act and the things you've said, you don't have any self-admitted talent."

You blurt out that you like the talent name and are pleased with what Nagito and his classmates came up with. You express your gratitude and tell him to thank the others for you as well. Then you pause, wondering whether or not you truly deserve to have any title.

"What's wrong?" Nagito notices the change in your expression immediately. 

You tell him the truth. You tell him you're unsure if you even belong there. The fact that they had to pick a talent for you makes you wonder if you have a right to be there at all. 

"(Y/N), don't you know that the academy always comes up with the talent titles?" Nagito crosses his arms as he smiles at you. "Our wonderful teacher herself approved of the title, meaning that. itis as valid as any other. As long as the higher-ups at Hope's Peak agree, your talent is as good as any other student's. They scout people out for their talents for a reason, and people don't always get scouted for the ones you'd expect. That's the beauty of Hope's Peak, after all!" 

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