Chapter 15

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"Hello, I'm Chiaki Nanami! It's nice to meet you." Chiaki extends her hand out for you to shake. "Nagito has told me a lot about you today. Some of the others also mentioned meeting you. You seem nice."

You take her hand with a smile, returning her warm greeting and introduction. 

You are standing in the classroom that Nagito's classes are in. He and all of his classmates are standing there, watching as you greet their class rep for the first time. She has a very, very friendly demeanour about her and you feel like the two of you are going to get along. She also has a shy look about her, just as you had suspected based on what you've heard about her so far. 

Everyone else seems fine with you being there as well. Fuyuhiko is leaning back in his desk chair with his feet on the table, watching you with one eye. Even he seems quite fine with the fact he had to stay longer so that you could formally meet the class rep and the few people you haven't yet talked to. 

You are introduced to Kazuichi, the Ultimate Mechanic, Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess, and Ryota Mitarai, the Ultimate Animator. Kazuichi's appearance is...striking, to say the least. He has extremely sharp teeth that remind you of a shark's, as well as pink hair and pink eyes. You can tell he has a crush on Sonia Nevermind, who is very friendly with blonde hair and pale green eyes. Ryota Mitarai is a chubby guy with a shy demeanour who also seems friendly enough. You're glad you aren't the only one who's shy around here, otherwise, it'd definitely be quite hard for you to feel comfortable around Nagito's classmates.

You tell them that it's nice to meet them all formally and also comment that Nagito has told you a lot of good things about them. 

Fuyuhiko scoffs, speaking to you for the first time. "Of course he did. He worships the ground we walk on for some reason. Sheesh. He acts like we're some sort of gods or something." 

 Hiyoko puts her hands on her hips. "That creep is so weird. I don't know how you can stand to be his friend."

"Yeah...he's a bit strange," Kazuichi remarks, giving Nagito a side glance. "Strange crap always seems to happen to me when I'm around. I don't like it."

Nagito doesn't seem to care about his classmates' blatantly rude comments. He simply stands there, smiling like he always does. He even laughs a bit. "Well, I'm glad you don't mind (y/n) being here. At first, I wasn't even sure if I should bring her around here. After all, she's not an ultimate. But... I realize that her kindness is something that deserves to be rewarded. She's the only talentless person who has brought me hope like this before, the only one I've come to care for."

Your cheeks feel warm upon hearing his comment. You feel all fluttery on the inside at him publicly talking about you in such a fond, warm manner. You hope that the others are unaware of your blushing, as you are definitely not ready for any of them to know about your crush on Nagito. In fact, that's something you plan on keeping to yourself for a long, long time. 

"Ibuki is more than happy to have you around here!" Ibuki, a loud girl with an equally loud punk rock attire, slings her arm around your shoulder. You jump in surprise before allowing a smile to creep across your face. As anxious as you are beneath the stares of the class, you actually feel quite happy that they seem to like you.

"Yeah, you seem neat," Akane comments.

"W-will you be coming here often?" Mikan asks. She nervously steps closer to you. You've heard all about how clumsy she is and you move your feet back in fear of her tripping over it somehow. Even though Nagito has always been respectful and sugarcoated the negative traits of his precious classmates, you've already decoded the fact the Ultimate Nurse is clumsy. 

You tell her that you hope you can come there often, though you glance to Nagito for assurance on that. Really, it's up to him to decide if he wants to bring you to visit his classmates. 

Nagito is easily able to tell what you are thinking. "Well, if the ultimates have no problem with it, I'd be more than happy to bring you back here whenever you want. How about it, (y/n)?" 

Your heart beats faster as Ibuki releases you, allowing you to meet your bestie's warm gaze. You sincerely tell him that you would love that.

"Well, I guess I should take her home now," Nagito says, sounding somewhat regretful that you have to leave now. "After all, I did say this would be a short meeting. I just wanted to see if you'd all accept (y/n). Even though she isn't a classmate, I might bring her around here lots. She is my best friend and...well...I think perhaps she deserves to meet you after how she has put up with me. Of course, you all can disagree if you want to. As ultimates, you have the final say in the matter."

You try not to feel a bit betrayed. It's clear he's valuing their opinion over your feelings right now. Chiaki gives you a sympathetic look, seeming to understand that Nagito's comment is bothering you.

"We'd be glad if she came to hang out with us sometime," Chiaki assures Nagito. "I'd love to get to know your friend. She seems nice. Maybe we could use someone like her around us, even if she isn't our classmate."

"The more the merrier!" Ibuki chimes in. 

You feel an overwhelming sense of joy in spite of Nagito's stinging comments. You are truly glad that his classmates are welcoming you. Even though they didn't all seem to like him, they seem interested in getting to know you. Perhaps, through that, you can get them to someday accept Nagito as well.

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