Chapter 27

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"Ah, I can't wait to hear what happens! I hope Ms. Yukizome goes straight to the higher-ups and asks to let you be her student." Nagito sounds just as excited about the situation as you are. That's one reason you like him so much. He cares so much about you and other people he finds important. More than he cares about yourself.

As you continue to walk to your school, you admit you're nervous. 

"There's no need to be nervous," Nagito assures you in his normal calm and happy tone. "In the end, everything will be fine. I'm sure of it! Now, take it easy and try not to stress about it. If the ultimates want something badly enough, they'll be able to make it happen."

Although your stomach is still churning with nerves, you nod and decide not to argue with him. You think that he's probably right but it still doesn't help the nerves fluttering within your stomach. 

When you arrive at your school, you say goodbye to him and tell him you'll see him after school like you usually do. 

"Yes, see you then, (y/n). I promise to tell you what becomes of Yukizome's chat with the schoolboard!"


After a long day of school, you eagerly leave the building. You were hardly able to concentrate and were even yelled at once or twice because of this. But that barely bothered you at all. After all, you had bigger things to think about. Your teachers have no way of knowing that you may become a student and a much more important venue. 

You meet Nagito underneath the tree. You feel so nervous that you're actually nauseous as well, so you immediately ask him about the news. Your stomach is in knots as you wait for him to answer. He is smiling, though he seems to smile in any situation so you're not sure that means anything.

"At first, the school board wouldn't listen," Nagito explains to you immediately after you ask your question. "They didn't think that one teacher should have the ability to scout students. But when she came back to our class, the ultimates wouldn't take no for an answer!" He chuckles, his voice warm with the fondness he feels for the classmates he idolizes so much.

You then urge him to continue telling you what happened, which he thankfully does without going into too much of a tangent. 

"In true ultimate fashion, we decided to make a petition to show how much we want you as a classmate. It was Chiaki's idea, of course! As to be expected of our wonderful class rep!" He's beaming now, almost as excited as you feel knowing where the story's going. "Because of this, you have been accepted into Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Emotional Support! Isn't that wonderful? I'm so happy I could cry!"

You feel a shiver of pure joy run down your spine. This is it! This is exactly what you've been wanting to hear! You tell him how happy and excited you are about your acceptance into the academy. You then ask when you'll officially be allowed to attend.

"Ms. Yukizome says that they'll have the paperwork ready for you and your parents to sign by tomorrow afternoon," Nagito explains to you. "After you're done filling it out, they're going to need to process it. I'm...not sure how long that takes. I guess we can ask Ms. Yukizome. If you don't mind, your new classmates have prepared a celebration for you in the classroom! Would you like to go?"

You tell him that of course, you'd like to go! He smiles and the two of you begin to walk to Hope's Peak Academy together. You can't wait to see the excitement on the faces of your classmates, though you're rather anxious as well.

When you get to the academy, you and Nagito go up to the classroom you will be attending. Upon opening the door, all of the students yell, "Congrats!" at the same time. They are all seated at their desks, facing the door with bright smiles on their faces. Chisa Yukizome, your soon-to-be new teacher, is standing at her desk smiling as well. She stands up and walks over to greet you. 

"I'm so happy to be your new teacher, (y/n)!" Chisa explains. "My class is also excited to welcome you as a new student. I'm so glad to see how far they've come since I stepped up to teach them and assigned them a class rep! You're going to have so much fun spending time with them."

"Can we eat now?" Akane calls from her desk. She's looking at Chisa Yukizome's desk, which you notice for the first time has cupcakes, cookies, and fresh sandwiches on it. "I'm starvin'! All this excitement is makin' me wanna dig in."

"Of course, we can," Yukizome answers her student. "But why don't we let (y/n) have first dibs? Teruteru made this food to celebrate her, after all."

You ask the bright-haired teacher if she's sure. When she nods, you walk past her and head over to the food that's on her desk. The entire class is watching you with prying eyes. You feel pinned beneath their gaze as you admire the food Teruteru made for you.

The cupcakes are all either white with pink sprinkles or pink with white sprinkles and are that of the vanilla variety. There seems to be an array of different types of sandwiches. You can make out egg salad, tomato, ham and cheese, and all sorts of delicious sandwich types. The cake is chocolate and has your name pasted on the top with icing. The cake is also already cut.

You take a cupcake, a slice of cake, and a sandwich of your choice from your new teacher's desk. Once you're done, everyone jumps out of their desks to congratulate you on their way to grab themselves their own food. 

Your eyes begin to water with emotion. Nobody has ever done something this amazing for you in your own school. You feel like these people will change your life for the better, and that the bond you'll share with them will last forever. 

A New Ultimate (Nagito X Shy Female Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now