Chapter 12

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It doesn't take long before you meet some of Nagito's other classmates. He decides to take you to the library on multiple occasions and even treats you to a meal at the cafeteria. By the time a week has passed, you have gotten to know a small handful of his other classmates.

The first is Fuyuhiko, who is some sort of yakuza leader. You know nothing about the yakuza aside from the fact they are crazy dangerous people that aren't to be messed with. People who must be feared. This boy is kind of the face of that...well, with his actions, at least. Physically, he has a baby face and is a bit short. But he has the mouth of a sailor and is generally someone with a vicious demeanour that you are more than happy to avoid. Nagito had seen him and had taken you over to meet him. He had been gruff and unfriendly and you're relieved he doesn't hang around your best friend very much.

The following person you meet is a girl named Peko, who is the Ultimate Swordswoman. She came over to you after seeing you talking with the guy from the yakuza, explaining that she was curious to see who her classmate was talking to. To your relief, she's friendly enough and seems relieved that you also are. She congratulates Nagito on making a close friend before heading off to do whatever it is she usually does. Nagito seems to know more about her than she let on to you, that's for sure. When you tried to ask him about it he simply told you she's a secretive person and he doesn't say much more about the matter.

The last person you meet is Teruteru, the Ultimate Cook. Though he tried to make you call him the Ultimate Chef. He also flirted with you and made very perverted comments, though Nagito managed to stop him with a friendly yet firm warning. He had been busy that day you'd first met the others. You do, however, remember that Mahiru had mentioned seeing him then. Upon meeting him, you were somewhat glad that you hadn't seen him that first day. You were already overwhelmed and he would've probably made you even more of a nervous wreck than you'd already been.

Now, you and Nagito are relaxing in the library again together. He bought you a coffee on your way there and you're feeling like you can conquer the world if you want to. But there is something else that is nibbling on the edges of your mind. You can't quite push it to the side even though you wish you could. It makes you nervous whenever you think about it and has stuck with you since that dream you'd had of your best friend.

You certainly do have a crush on Nagito.

No matter what you try to say to yourself, you know you have to accept that fact. Your feelings haven't gone away since you've realized them and no amount of mental gymnastics seems to work. It's undeniable that your best friend means more to you than you want to admit. Your crush has caused your mind and heart all sorts of wonderful anxiety. You truly care for him as more than just a best friend now. The thought makes you very, very afraid.

"Hey, (y/n), is everything alright?" Nagito seems to have noticed how anxious you are somehow. You're not sure how he manages to see through you. You've always been a bit shy and socially awkward and assumed that this trait has made it easier for you to hide the nervousness you've been feeling. Apparently, judging by the worried look on your friend's face, your general shyness clearly isn't masking anything.

You assure him that everything is fine. He doesn't say much more, yet he doesn't seem convinced that that's the case. You feel like banging your head against the wall. You're not ready at all to confess to him and you're not sure you ever will be. How can you? You can barely tell someone what you want from a menu at a fast food place. Confessing that you have a crush is something that is way out of your league.

At the same time, you feel like Nagito won't return your feelings. Sure, he cares about you more than all the other "nobodies" out there. That much is true. But you're not an ultimate. You're quite certain that the status of being an ultimate is more important to him than anything else. You wouldn't be surprised if he rejected you thanks to your lack of such a title. Still, you can't deny your feelings to him and wished that he could somehow find out without you telling him to his face. You don't want to go through the heartbreak that comes with being rejected.

"How are you enjoying that coffee?" Asks Nagito, seemingly trying to distract you from your own thoughts. That makes you smile. Even if he doesn't know what you're thinking, leave it to him to still try and do whatever he can to make you feel better.

"It's great! Thanks for buying it."

"Of course! Anytime." The sincere smile on his face makes your heart begin to race faster. You find yourself turning away from him.

You tell him that you appreciate him buying coffee for you. You also tell him how much you like the coffee place, which affirms his opinions on the Ultimate Barista's job.

"Ah, isn't it great? The Ultimate Barista decided to stay close to Hope's Peak Academy and supplies the ultimates there with his talent! It's truly wonderful that he uses his talent to help the other ultimates who give this world so much hope!" He's gushing again.

You smile and listen as he continues to ramble, still lost in the worries that come with having a crush on him. You know your feelings are set in stone and are here to stay. But how will you ever be able to tell him that? Will you ever be able to tell him that? What if he falls for someone else? You simply have no answers to your questions.

A New Ultimate (Nagito X Shy Female Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now