Chapter 16

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After getting to know Nagito's classmates, you've begun to befriend them. Chiaki has made it her priority to make both you and your best friend feel at home around the others. You are incredibly grateful to her for it and have especially taken a liking to her. The two of you just click and you enjoy sitting with her in companionable silence while she plays her video games. Still, of course, you're mainly there because of your best friend. You haven't forgotten that your goal is to also help his classmates get to see him in the same light you do. Well, as far as friendships go, at least. You try to ignore the romantic feelings that have been clogging your heart for a while now.

On this particular evening, you have been invited to the classroom to watch a movie together late at night. You like that you are allowed to have access to school even after the sun has set. It is Friday night and you will be there till at least eleven in the evening, if not even past midnight. Chiaki organized the event but had the class vote on a movie to watch. You have her number as well though, so she had texted to make sure you also got a say in what the class could watch. You were fine with anything. The choice was some sort of cheesy comedy movie. Hiyoko had been adamant about watching it to make fun of it and bully the characters during every scene, somehow convincing the entire class that it would be funny to do so. You're not sure if the others thought that it would be genuinely funny or if they just agreed with her to avoid arguing with her or getting cried at but you're fine with the outcome regardless. 

Since there are exactly sixteen desks in the room, Nagito offers to sit on the floor and have you sit in his chair instead. Of course, you refuse his offer and just end up using Ms. Yukizome's desk chair, pulling it over so that you're seated beside your bestie. 

Chiaki gets the projector all set up and turns on the movie. The movie is absolutely trash. You are not sure you've ever seen such a horrible movie. You even hear Nagito comment once or twice on how gross and boring the "comedy" is. Everyone does indeed find roasting it more funny than the actual "funny" scenes it tries to portray. Teruteru is also drooling over the protagonist because...well, of course he is.

As you sit beside Nagito, watching the movie with him, you feel like your bond as best friends has grown stronger than ever before. Even though you want to address your feelings for him, you are content to just sit at his side tonight as the movie plays on.

It is about eleven-thirty by the time the movie ends. It was supposed to actually be over roughly thirty minutes earlier but Nekomaru had to keep leaving to go to the bathroom and he didn't want to miss a single cringeworthy scene. 

Now, Chiaki goes over to turn on the lights and you stretch your arms and legs before getting to your feet. It feels good to stand after being seated for a while. The movie had been two hours long due to Nekomaru's constant potty breaks. 

"Well, I have yakuza stuff to deal with, I guess. I'll see you around." Fuyuhiko takes his leave almost immediately.

"I gotta take another shit! All this popcorn is digesting way too fast!" Nekomaru energetically jumps to his feet with a loud thud.

"You got popcorn?" Hiyoko scowls. "Who made popcorn and didn't tell me? Who else got popcorn?"

"Oh, just us." Akane is chewing popcorn. "I made, like, three bags for Nekomaru and I."

"Aw man, why didn't you offer any of it to us?" Kazuichi whines, sounding just as childish as Hiyoko at that moment.

"You didn't ask." The gymnast shrugs. "Anyway, Imma go back to my dorm and finish this stuff off."

"Huh. I thought I heard someone crunching on popcorn." Mahiru crosses her arms, frowning after the other girl as she walks out of the room. "Well, come on Hiyoko. Let's walk back to our dorms together."

"Can Ibuki and Mikan tag along?" Ibuki cheerfully skips forward. Mikan is standing behind her, nervously tapping her fingertips together.

"Fine, you and that pig can come. Just don't be annoying." Hiyoko snootily tilts her nose to the air and leads the group of girls. 

The rest all head off together until you, Chiaki, and Nagito are left together in the classroom.

"I'm really glad you've been coming to hang out with us, (y/n)," Chiaki says to you, putting one hand on her heart. "Also, you too, Nagito. It's nice to see that you finally have someone you're close to. Thank you for bringing her to meet us all."

"Of course! I'm glad you get along well with her." Nagito rises from his desk. "Now, then, would you like us to walk you to your dorm, class rep?"

Chiaki shakes her head. "I'm fine. I'll just catch up with the others. You should walk (y/n) home now." She yawns, then smiles tiredly at the two of you. "Goodnight. Thank you two for coming."

As soon as she's gone, Nagito turns to you. "Come on, (y/n). Let's go home. I'm...a little nervous."

You ask him why he's nervous. 

"I haven't walked you to your home yet this late. I'm worried my luck might cause something crazy to happen to you in the dark." Before you can assure him that you're sure you'll be fine, he says something you did not expect. "Also, I want to tell you something."

"What is it?" You gasp the words out before you can think them. Your heart lurches as you try to imagine what they'll be.

"Well...I've been thinking a lot about you, (y/n), and I've come to realize that you're special. Not just to me, but in general. You're a special person. I...I want you to become an ultimate. I want you to become my classmate, to shine among the other ultimates."

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