Chapter 19

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You watch as the men haul themselves away from the alley. They're all cursing loudly as they stumble away with blood dripping from the back of their legs. You feel a wave of relief now that you know you are safe. You turn to Peko and thank her for saving you and Nagito.

Peko slides her sword back into her sheath in one smooth motion. "I got the strange urge to follow you and make sure you were safe. I'm just glad I got here before any real harm could be done."

Nagito's eyes are glistening. He is practically smiling from ear to ear. "That was truly a sight to behold! Seeing your ultimate talent being used for the sake of saving others makes me happier than you could ever know. I'm getting all tingly! The way you effortlessly struck those men before they even knew they were's exactly what I would expect from the ultimate swordswoman! This is a prime example of my luck cycle at work!"

You feel a bit flustered despite the fact it isn't even you he's congratulating. You also feel a twinge of jealousy, though you manage to push it to the side. You're just happy that you and your bestie are unharmed and that Peko managed to get to you before something terrible could happen. Now Nagito didn't have to give any of his money to those unworthy evil bastards. 

Peko simply nods, aloof and cool as always. "It's my duty to protect my friends. Now, I think it would be best if I walked with the two of you to drop (y/n) off safely at her home. It seems my instincts were correct."

"That sounds like a splendid idea," Nagito agrees. "Ah, I apologize for having to waste both of your time. It's due to my luck cycle that those thugs even attacked us in the first place." He is looking at his hand as he speaks, which you've noticed he tends to do when he's deep in thought or rambling enthusiastically about something. 

The three of you continue the short walk to your house. You're a bit shaken after the events that unfolded and you're looking forward to just going and lying in your bed. Although you were originally planning on taking a shower, you just want to plop down and go to sleep as fast as your body will allow you to. Your energy is completely drained due to the immense fear you had been filled with during the confrontation.

Once you arrive at your doorstep, you turn to say goodbye to your friends. You thank Nagito for walking home with you before also thanking Peko for walking with the two of you after the attack. 

The normally stoic girl breaks a smile. "There's no need to keep thanking me, (y/n), though I am grateful for your gratitude. I would gladly do that again anytime if I had to. Protecting those I am friends with is my duty."

"I'm still sorry that I got you into that mess," Nagito apologizes to you. "I'm not even useful when it comes to walking my best friend home, apparently. Ah, well at least we were saved thanks to Peko's amazing talent."

With that, you say goodbye and go into your house. Once inside, you can't help but peek out the window to see if they'll leave immediately. The two of them seem to be talking together outside your door and you can even hear their muffled voices. You think they're talking about you but it's hard to discern what they are saying. After about a minute or two, they turn and leave together, leaving you to watch them until they're out of sight. To your relief, it seems like the people who attacked you won't be coming back tonight.

You head over to your room and take off your clothes, replacing them with pyjamas before lying down in your bed. You snuggle beneath the sheets, pulling them up to your face. It feels amazing to be able to lie down. That night was more eventful than you had been prepared for. You think to yourself that you should've known something like that was bound to happen while you were around Nagito. That's just how it works. You're sure crazy stuff will happen again and again. Yet you're fine with that. Oddly enough, those crazy events make life worth living. They add spice to your otherwise boring life that you would've never gotten a taste of if Nagito hadn't shown up in your life. The thought of not having him there with you is a sad one. It makes your heart ache to think that anything might separate the two of you one day.

Once again, your heart pounds faster at the thought of the white-haired boy. Your unresolved feelings for him seem to grow with each passing day. Now that he has told you he wants you to become an ultimate classmate of his, you feel like you can more easily accept your feelings for him.  

You think about how you have more of a chance with him now. Knowing that he wants you to become an ultimate alone is enough to show he cares about you a lot. If you become one, you'll be sure to receive his admiration. The thought gives you so much hope you feel like you'll tear up from happiness! You wonder if Nagito would be happy if he knew how much hope he makes you feel. You're sure he would be, even if you aren't a member of his favourite kind of people yet. Somehow, you get the feeling that things will go your way. Even though you are still incredibly nervous about the way you feel for him, you don't feel as ready to shy away from your feelings. You are ready to try and embrace them and fully acknowledge that they are there to stay. Then, maybe someday, the two of you will be a couple. Someday, you may be able to tell him how you feel. 

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