Chapter 13

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When Nagito arrives at your school late a few days later, you worry about him. He has been late only a handful of times, and only because of his luck putting him into crazy predicaments. Whenever he doesn't show up before you leave the school building, it fills you with a sense of dread that something bad has happened to him. Or that something good has happened and he has forgotten about you completely. You wouldn't be surprised if he had to ditch you to help some ultimates back at Hope's Peak Academy, though you're sure he would text if that were the case. Perhaps your crush on him has been making you on edge more than ever before...

When he does end up arriving, you're relieved to see that he looks completely unharmed. You hurry over to him when you see him, demanding to know where he was. It has been at least half an hour since school ended. You've both made an agreement to meet each day unless texted otherwise because you are unable to do so. This means waiting if the other party doesn't show up on time.

"I should have texted to let you know I wasn't coming ahead of time." Nagito ruffles the back of his white hair sheepishly, then shrugs. "Sorry, (y/n), I guess I just got carried away. I had a very important day today. After I got back from walking you to your school, I stopped to get something from the vending machine on my way home. Then my homeroom teacher, Ms. Yukizome, came to tell me that she wanted my entire class to be in attendance from now on!"

Your eyes widen. You know how happy this must make him. It is truly an important day for him after all. You congratulate him, telling him you're glad that he and his classmates are finally starting to actually have classes together. You wonder if he will be able to grow closer to them now. The thought makes you feel conflicted. Of course, you're happy for him, glad that he can be close to the people he has always admired. But you're also a bit jealous knowing that he'll be spending more time with his classmates...including other girls that have talents that you lack. You're afraid that he'll get swept up with them, no longer wanting to be around his talentless best friend. You're also worried about getting to know them. Socializing isn't your strong suit. You are sure you're going to continue running into them more and more now that he will be around them most of the day. 

"I'm quite honoured that Yukizome would be interested in inviting a nobody like me to attend her class," Nagito admits. "Out of everyone, I am the least remarkable person there. Yet she went out of her way to make sure I was there to attend with my classmates...ah, she is truly an amazing teacher." He is looking off into the distance, his eyes sparkling with emotion. It's quite clear his class means the world to him despite the fact they have never even been friends and are barely more than snoopy acquaintances at times. You haven't exactly seen much of them since meeting them, as they had left Nagito to his own devices, still deeming him too weird to want to be friends with. 

You remind him that he is a student just like everyone else, telling him that she was bound to care for each and every one of her students. You try to tell him that he is on equal ground with them, to which he turns to you with a sigh and shakes his head.

"So you still don't understand, huh?" He crossed his arms, looking almost disappointed in you. The look causes you to wince. Before you can ask what he means, he goes on to tell you. Well, more like to reprimand you. "You and I are nobodies, (y/n). We are talentless, boring, run-of-the-mill people. Neither of us really has any right to be among people like them. Isn't that why you're always so quiet when you're around them?"

You don't know how to respond to that. You actually can't even answer his question. You're shy, yes, but is that the reason? You've always been shy, haven't you? But wonder if he could be on to something. You have always felt a bit inferior and awkward whenever he takes you to Hope's Peak Academy. Being surrounded by people who were regarded with such awe was overwhelming at times, to say the least. As much as you enjoy him taking you to Hope's Peak Academy, you feel a bit odd there and are acutely aware you don't belong there. 

You tell him the truth, explaining that you aren't entirely sure. You are looking down at your feet, somewhat mumbling as you talk. Having him call you a nobody yet again has made you realize that you can't tell him about your feelings for him...not yet. Maybe not even ever. The news of his new class schedule coupled with his harsh words directed at you makes you feel truly worthless. Then again, that's what you are to him, right? He doesn't go on about you being worthless trash like he does himself, yet he still makes a point to tell you that you're nobody when compared to the students at Hope's Peak. It stings a little.

Nagito frowns, reading your expression. Then his gaze softens, growing as warm and welcoming as they usually are when he's around you. "Why don't we grab some coffee and take it to the park today?"

You nod. But the look on your face must not be very convincing because now his brows are furrowed in concern.

"Are you okay? You look upset all of a sudden. Is it my fault? If so, I'm sorry. Being in the presence of filth like me is bound to get overwhelming, I'm sure." 

You shake your head and tell him that nothing is wrong. That, of course, is far from the truth. 

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