Chapter 7

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You and Nagito haven't broken your routine up until your sixth week of talking to each other. You'd see him in the morning and late afternoon before and after school, either going to the park or stopping to talk near your house. However, this changes three days after the two of you decide to be best friends. One day, on this particular morning, the two of you are having your normal chat as you walk to school together, when he suddenly asks you a question.

"I know this is a lot to ask but I was wondering...would you like to come with me to a cafe after school today?" He is avoiding your gaze in an unusually shy manner. "I'd love to buy you something to drink. After all, I owe you a lot for how happy you've made me lately." He finally looks at you again, a fond smile making its way across his face.

You pause. "C-cafe? Where?"

"That one not too far from the park."

You think for a few seconds, trying to think of what businesses are near the park that the two of you have been frequenting lately. Then, a cafe pops into mind and you ask if that's the one.

"Yep, it sure is. It sells some of the best drinks I've ever tasted. I heard that the owner used to attend Hope's Peak and is the Ultimate Barista." Nagito is truly fawning over the place now. "He is truly worthy of that title! He has other people working there, of course, but he truly spends most of his time showing off his beautiful talent there. It's the perfect place to take someone like you, even if you're not an ultimate yourself." He is grinning from ear to ear. There's a look of fondness about him as he looks at you, which makes you feel a bit flustered.

You thank him and tell him you'd love to go to the cafe with him. He somehow seems even more excited now.

"Thank you, (y/n)! I promise you won't regret it, even if someone like me is the one treating you." 


After school, you eagerly go over to Nagito, who is waiting in his usual spot under the tree. Also, he has the same relaxed smile that he almost always has. You're happy to see his familiar face and are admittedly excited to be going to a new place with him. 

"Hey, (y/n)!" Nagito greets you. "I hope you had a wonderful day, even if it's at a normal, boring school like this one. Do you still want to go to the cafe with me?"

When you nod, he beams happily at you. You admit to yourself that his happiness makes you happy as well. It's almost contagious.

"Great. Follow me. I want to take the least dangerous route there. For your sake, of course. You never know what my luck cycle has in store for me."

You happily follow Nagito off the schoolyard. You've been to the cafe he's talking about maybe once or twice in your life. It's always extremely crowded and busy and usually, reservations have to be made due to its popularity. You suppose that makes sense, seeing as it's owned and run by the Ultimate Barista himself. Still, you've never been willing to go there yourself due to how busy it is and you prefer to go to other ones that are more peaceful and quiet. 

Although you don't say it to Nagito as he leads you through some residential streets, you feel a tingle of nervousness at the thought of entering such a busy place.

 Instead, you decide to ask him if he got a reservation at the place. To your surprise, he did, and he tells you exactly how he got it. 

"I suppose it was my luck that allowed me to get one," He answers. "Most people wouldn't dream of getting a reservation there for such a crazy busy time. After school is usually when it's at its busiest. But apparently, there was space the moment I called because the person who had the reservation before had to cancel because she suddenly went into labour and called to cancel seconds before I called."

"Oh wow." You don't know what else to say. His luck is truly something supernatural. 

Thankfully, the two of you end up arriving at the cafe with no incidents happening on the way there. The two of you sit at a booth and Nagito orders two frappes for the two of you. As you drink the cold, caffeinated, beverage, you understand now why the place is so popular. Since you haven't been to that cafe in years, you've forgotten how delicious their drinks were. 

You must be making quite the face because Nagito chuckles and claps his hands together. "I'm so glad you like it!"

You thank him for the drink, unable to stop yourself from slurping it up. Your best friend is delighted to see you drinking it down and he keeps making happy sounds of laughter. His contentment makes the experience even more amazing for you. Once you're finished, you blush, as you realize you've gulped it down fast.

"No need to be embarrassed." Nagito obviously notices that you're blushing. His tone is reassuring. "It's hard not to guzzle such an amazing drink down. Especially someone like you and me. After all, we're lucky to be able to witness the splendid talents that ultimates possess. 

You don't know what to say to that, so you simply thank him for the drink again. You are truly grateful to him for taking you there. You're not sure you even deserve it. 

"There's no need to thank me," Nagito tells you. "You deserve it for wanting to be best friends with scum like me. Even though you're no ultimate yourself, you're still very much worthy of this due to the simple fact you spend time with me. Not even the ultimates are able to pull of such a feat!"

You don't know what to say to that. All you know is that you're happy that he doesn't have to be alone as long as you're around. 

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