Chapter 17

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You are at a loss for words as you stare at your best friend with gaping jaws. You want him to clarify what he just said. Of course, you should have guessed that he would want you to somehow be his classmate. Hell, you have always wanted to be his classmate since the day you officially became friends. Still, you hadn't thought that he would say that he wants to make it happen somehow. But that seems to be exactly what he wants.

"What do you think, (y/n)?" Nagito is looking intently into your eyes. "Do you want to become an ultimate? I know you have always admired Hope's Peak Academy as well. You would get to spend every day with our class."

Your mind is spinning. You tell him you do indeed want to be an ultimate, though you ask just exactly how the hell that would be possible. You point out that you have no talent, and certainly not one that is worthy of being scouted out by Hope's Peak itself. If you had one, they would have gone out and invited you to the academy already. 

"Don't worry about that. You do have a talent." Nagito's words catch you off guard.

"I do?"

"Yes! In my eyes, you are...well, the Ultimate Friend." His words are so sincere and serious that for a moment you forget that you are talking about talents. About skills. 

You laugh before you can stop yourself. You point out that being a friend isn't a talent. It's not something that can lead to someone getting some sort of professional career or anything. You tell him that as much as you like the school, it really does focus on academics regarding talents a lot.

"If my luck can be considered a talent, your ability to be an amazing friend can also be one." The intensity doesn't leave Nagito's eyes as he speaks. "But...I'm not sure that I should choose your talent. I have absolutely no right to decide what is and what isn't a talent."

You point out that he declared his own talent unworthy of a title, which he dismisses as well.

"Being a friend is a skill of its own. Nobody has ever befriended me before. For you to be able to stand being in the presence of pure filth like's truly incredible!" Nagito is speaking in the passionate way that he does when he's excited about hope or referring to someone's talent. "Not everyone can do something like that. Not even the other ultimates. Some of them lack the kind heart that is needed for dealing with someone like me. But not you. That's why...I truly believe you are worthy of becoming an ultimate. With everything in my heart, I think you deserve a spot in Hope's Peak Academy."

You feel dizzy with euphoria. The way he is talking right now is only making your desire for him grow. No matter how hard you try, you can't escape the allure of his personality. 

You thank him for his kind words, asking him once more how exactly you would ever be able to get a place in the academy. 

"Leave it to me. Or, more precisely, leave it to my luck." He has a knowing look in his eyes. You don't know if he'll try something but you really don't care. At that moment, you just want to get in his class so badly and are willing to sit back and let him do whatever it is that'll cause that to happen. "Now, we should get going. It's dark now and I want to get you home safe and sound."

You thank him yet again for what he said to you and agree that it's time to go home. Despite this, you wish you could stay there forever with him. At that moment, you don't want to leave his side. The moment together had been such a magical feeling. You hope you can have more time together like this.

Hope...yes! I have hope, something Nagito really loves. You're giddy with joy as you and your best friend put your chair back by the teacher's desk, turn off the lights, and leave the room together. The feeling that he'll become more than your friend one day is suddenly growing strong in your chest. 

You decide you'll allow yourself to accept your feelings for him. The fact that he wants you to be among his precious idols shows that he really does care about you. To you, it's an honour for him to say that and to try and make it so that you can be in his class. You know that he puts that above everything else and that him even thinking of that means that you mean a lot to him...even if just as a friend for the time being. 

As the two of you exit the school building and step out into the night together, he glances at you curiously. "You look like you're lost in thought. Is there something on your mind?"

You ponder for a moment on whether or not to tell him that you're grateful to him for wanting to get you into Hope's Peak Academy. You've already thanked him countless times since he made the announcement that he wants you to become his classmate. You decide there's no reason not to thank him again, so you express your gratitude to your friend once more.

"I'm glad it's making you this happy. You deserve it, you know?" He looks at you fondly.

The two of you cross the road and begin making your way through the winding streets of the residential area. It's the first time you've been here with Nagito after dark. It feels odd. Nobody else is around and it seems so peaceful...

But that peace doesn't last.

As you and Nagito make your way down a small alleyway between a pair of identical apartment complexes, someone steps out to block the other side. It's a guy in a hoodie. He draws something out of his pocket and advances on the both of you. It's a knife, you realize with horror. 

"Alright! Y'all can come out now!" The guy barks. 

To your dismay, more people begin coming out from behind where you just came, blocking your escape. You realize you hadn't spotted them and curse yourself for not being more aware of your surroundings. 

You and Nagito are trapped.

A New Ultimate (Nagito X Shy Female Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now