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We went out for some frozen yogurt later that evening. We sat in a booth, towards the back. Every time i looked up, he was staring at my face.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked him. I put my yogurt down on the table.

"Just, looking at you. Thinking." He said. His eyes hadn't left my face.

"Okay. " I went back to my yogurt. I looked up again. He was staring at me anymore. He was looking at my phone, which was ringing. I looked at the name. It said, Jake S. Uh. Oh. I saw his jaw clench.

For all that don't know, Jake is one of my best friends. We aren't as close as Skyla and I, but close. He was my boyfriend at one time, for maybe four months. We tried it but it didn't work out. We felt too close to date. Mark knows that we used to date. So, therefore he can't stand him. He is always paranoid that we will try again, behind his back.

He clenched his jaw tighter before asking, "Are you going to answer your phone?"

I didn't know if i should. "No. It's not important." I could hear the anger and annoyance in his voice.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because i am out on a date, with the love of my life..." I said. I took another bite of yogurt.

"Are you involved with him?" He asked, looking into his cup of frozen yogurt. He moved the yogurt around with his spoon, not looking up.

"No! Why would you even think that?! I haven't talked to Jake in a long time!" I said quietly, but with an angry tone.

"Then why are you mad? Why are you all worked up? Why are you being so defensive?" He asked with a straight face. I could picture the flames in his eyes.

I just sat there. I stared into his eyes. "Please don't be mad at me because i got a call from an old friend that i haven't ev-" He cut me off.

"Come on. We need to talk." He threw away our trash and payed for our food. I thanked the cashier, before i was dragged out the door by my hand. His grip was strong. I tried to get my hand back. His grip was too tight. He turned. I didn't see where i was going, due to trying to release his grip from me. Once i did look up, after giving up on my hand, we had turned into an alley.

"Mark, why are yo-" I was cut off by his fist hitting my stomach. I fell to the ground.

"GET UP!" He yelled. I tried to sit up, but my stomach started to ache. so i fell back to the ground. He grabbed my arms and jerked my body up. He put me against the side of a brick building. His hand was on my mouth. I whimpered. He used his other hand to punch me in the side again, the same place he kicked me last time. It was still bruised. He released his hand from my mouth. That hand soon met my cheek. He slapped me hard. I fell to the ground again.

"You think you're going to cheat on me?" He kicked my shin. "I certainly don't, Jules. I will not lose you to your loser friend." He kicked me in the ribs. He then jerked me up again. I was slammed against the wall again. His fist hit my nose. Then my mouth. I slip my body down to the ground to sit. I had tears flowing down my face. I put my hand to my nose, then my mouth. Both were flowing blood.

"Mark, Please stop. Don't do this!" I cried out. How did no one here this? It is a pretty empty street but no one heard. "I'm not seeing him, behind your back."

"Well, then why was he calling you?" He asked.

I stood up. I looked him in the eye. I bawled up my fist, ready to strike, when needed. "I. Don't. Know." I said. His jaw tensed up. Then i slammed my small, weak fist into his nose. He then pushed me to the ground. I landed on a sharp rock, which went into my back. I cried out in pain. I sat up, carefully. Mark had blood on his face and hands. I got up, as quick as i could. I ran. I ran to the nearest exit. My stomach and side hurt so bad, i didn't make it far. I sat on a bench for a second. Mark came trailing after me. i got up and put my hand in front of me. "Mark... Please..." I pleaded. "Please, don't... Don't hurt me, anymore. I just... I want out. Stay away from me. Just stay away." I cried.

"Baby... I'm... I'm sorry... I..." He paused. Then he whispered, "What have i done?" He looked down at the ground, and shook his head. "Jules, i am really sorry..."

I need to get some help. Physical help. My ribs may be broken. "Mark, just get me some help. Take me to the E.R. Please..." I said. i then fell to the ground. I heard Mark yell, "JULIE!" I felt him pick me up in his arms. Then, everything went black.


Omg. What's going to happen?! I hope everyone likes this chapter. I know, it's sort of short. I'll make up for it, in the next chapter. I promise. I might have to switch to Mark's POV for a while. Idk yet though. But thank you all for the reads guys! Please share my story! I really need more reads. I want to get this story out there. lol Well thanks all! AND PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF THIS STORY SO FAR! I NEED SOME INSIGHT! PLEASE COMMENT. THANK YOU!!

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