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**julie's POV**

After we got back from the hospital, and we had that small talk, I went to bed. I needed sleep.

****(Dream in Julie's POV)****

I was sitting at a table. I was reading a book, and drinking my coffee. I was so into my book, I didn't notice the first time a man said "hello." Once I did, I jumped a little.

"Oh. Ummm. Hi?" I giggled a bit.

"I couldn't help but notice that you're just too beautiful to not know me." He said. He was in a suit. He looked like a handsome lawyer. He was quite charming.

"Well thank you. You're very spiffy yourself." I giggled again. "You on your way to meet a client?" I asked him. He looked confused.

"You. You think I'm a lawyer?" He laughed.

"Well just the way you're dressed I just kind of assumed." I laughed back. I put my book down. "Would you like to sit?" I motioned to the chair not the opposite side of my table.

"Sure." He sat down. "Well I'm not a lawyer." He smiled. He had a nice smile.

"You have a nice smile." I took a sip of my caramel mocha coffee.

"Thanks." He blushed.

"So what do you do for a living. It's not a lawyer." I questioned.

"I'm actually an advertiser." He said.

"Oh cool." I said.

"Yeah. I'm on my linch break. But I should get back to work." He got up, and grabbed his coffee from the table.

"Okay it was nice meeting you." I stood up to shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you too." He reached for my hand. Right as he grabbed my hand to shake it, he kissed me. It felt passionate. He broke it by saying, "could I get your number?"

"Yeah." Our faces were still close together. I moved away and got a napkin and a pen from my purse. I wrote my number down and my name. "Here you go. Call me later?"

"If coarse. I'll call you when I get off work. So around 6." He looked at the napkin. "Julie gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl" he smirked.

I blushed. "I'll be waiting for your call" I said. He left then.

****end of flashback/dream****

The next morning, I woke up with the worst feeling. I couldn't take it anymore. The pain. That dream sparked my fear again. I hope he doesn't come after me. Or Jake. The fear was eating me alive by that point. I told Jake I was taking a shower. But I wasn't going to shower. I was just going to take one so that I could sit in the floor and cry. I got my clothes and took them into the bathroom with me.

"There are some towels under the sink," Jake said form the other side of the door.

"Okay thanks." I looked underneath the sink to find a blue towel. I lasted it on the sink top. Then I turned h wagoner on and got in. I got my razor and some soap. My smile is weakening. My strength is falling. I'm losing my mind. I went to my upper thighs, and cut. Blood slowly dropped off of me, into the water. I felt my warm tears flowing down my face, which was now getting wet from the water. I cut one more time. It relieves my metal pain. For a while, I forgot everything. I put my razor down. I sat there and cried for a while. Then I washed my greasy hair. I rinsed then got out. My cuts were still bleeding. I dried off. Then got some peroxide from the cabinet, above the toilet. I dabbed it on them. Sting like heck. Once I got them to stop bleeding, I put on some yoga pants, and a T-shirt. I wiped the masa area that ran from the shower and tears off with makeup removing pad things. Then reapplied eyeliner, and everything. I slipped down socks on. Then picked my laundry up to throw in the hamper. My cuts still hurt.

"Hey," Jake said. He was at the counter, eating cereal and looking at something on his phone. He looked up at me. "You okay?" He had a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah. Why?" I looked back at him. I smiled weakly.

"You're eyes look red and puffy." He walked towards me. E looked me in the eyes.

"I cried a little in the shower." I said, honestly.

"Oh, princess." He hugged me tightly. I hugged back.

"I'm okay now. Don't worry." I said.

"Okay." He said.

***marks pov***

I was released from the hospital the next morning. I was still bruised but I was okay to drive and everything. I called a cab, since my car was totaled the thee day. My told the driver the address and he drove me there. I went home.

I soon arrived and paid the driver. "Thanks" I said, coldly.

I went inside to see my disaster of a house. I went to get one of Julie's shirts. I missed the smell of her. I cuddled with her shirts when she wasn't there. I went to her drawers. Her clothes were gone. I looked in the closet. Her clothes in there were gone too. Along with her suitcase.

She left me. I had her note in my pocket. I got on my laptop. I searched up Jake sharpe. I pulled up his yellow page. I got his address. I took the car I had in the garage. It was Julie's old bug. It was blue. I drove this stupid car to the address that came up on the computer. It was an apartment building. I had written down the address but it didn't say the apartment number. There was a buzzer thing at the door. The names were written on there. He was in the bottom floor. I looked for the apartment that had his name next to it. Once I found it, I knocked on the door. I heard laughing. A man and a woman's. The door opened. I had Julie's note on my hand.

Julie had opened the door. Her smile faded.

"Hello, Julie." I said.

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