• Promise? •

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I stood in the rain. I just stared into the distance. I would've never guessed he had cancer. He was still sobbing on the ground. He stood up. I was in so much shock, I didn't realize when he did.

"Julie," he said, "don't leave me. Please."

"I won't." I said.

"Promise me?" He said. He held out his pinkie.

"I-" I stopped. I didn't realize I was crying. "I promise."

He hugged me tight. I hugged him back. Mark never hugged me like this. I didn't want this to end. Although I was freezing, from the rain.

"Let's get you inside." I said, leading him inside.

"Okay." He said.

Once we got inside, I got us some towels.
I handed him one. His hand touched mine. It was freezing.

"Why are your hands so cold?" I asked him.

"I'm a little under oxygenated. I just need my tank. It's in the closet by the bathroom. The bathroom is next to my bedroom." He said. He sat down on the couch as I went to get his oxygen tank. I got in the closet. It was right there. It had a black handle. Kind of like one of those backpacks on wheels. The tank was grey, and green.

I ran into the living room. Jake was looking pale. "Here. Here's your tank." I said. He put the nubbins in his nose. He then turned on the tank. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Not exactly. I think this tank is empty." He said. He sounded faint.

"Oh. Do you have another one?" I asked him, anxiously.

"No. No I dont. Just get me some h-" he passed out.

"Jake?" I said. I was sitting at the end of the couch. "Jake can you hear me?" I began to shake his shoulders. "JAKE?!" I began I pick him up. I struggled to carry him toy car. He was breathing, but with each breath he would wheeze. After about ten minutes of going out to the car, I laid him on the back seat. I got in the drivers seat, turned the ignition, and drove off. I rushed.
==time skip==

I pulled into the hospital parking lot. I went to the emergency room. I got out of my car. "I need some help! He's breathing but is unresponsive!" I yelled. Some nurses and a doctor rushed out with a gurney. They took him out of the car, and rushed inside.

"What happened exactly?" A nurse, with a clip board asked.

"Well he said he needed his oxygen tank but it was empty. He said he didn't have another one. The he passed out." I said.

"Why does he need an oxygen tank?" She asked.

"He has-" I stopped for a second. "He has cancer." I said. We were rushing down this hallway.

"Okay. What's his name?" She asked.

"Jake. Jake Sharpe." I said.

"Okay. Thank you. We will do our best. Please wait outside these doors." She said. Then she went into the room with the doctors.

I didn't realize I was crying, until I felt a tear drop on my arm. I saw them working on him. They began cpr. I cried harder. I couldn't watch anymore. I sat in the waiting room. I couldn't stop thinking that I could lose him. He's in there, suffering. The fact I can see him struggling for breath. I heard a commotion down the hall. I rushed to see what it was.

A man. He was on a gurney. He looked injured, severely. The doctors were yelling his information. He was on a car accident. I recognized his face.

It was mark.

**MARK'S pov***
~~the accident~~

I went for a drive I hadn't went to see Julie for days. I don't know if she's even in the hospital anymore. I dont know where she went. I had to find her. What if she doesn't love me anymore? I got my gun from the center console of my car. I put it in my pocket. I Can't let her slip away. If I can't have her, no one will.

I arrived at the hospital. They said she wasn't there anymore. She was released two or three days ago.

"Who did she go with?" I asked.

"A man, I'm not sure who he was. I am not authorized to give our this information, sir," the woman behind the desk informed me.

"Look I need to know who she went with. She could be in danger. That's my girlfriend!l I yelled. Then I flashed her a glance of my gun.

She gasped. Then she swallowed hard. "She went with a man in a beanie. He had blonde hair, tan. He wore skinny jeans and a chai on his side. That's all I know." She whispered to me.

"Thank you." I said, simply.

I felt rage rush through me. I knew exactly who she just described. Julie's ex. Jake. Jake sharpe. He took her from me. I will now take him from her.

I got in my car. I drove off. The streets were busy. I was so raged that I couldn't control my body. I saw the light change to red. I couldn't stop. My brakes went out. Before I could react, a car slammed into mine. Everything went black. I couldn't move. I couldn't see. I didn't know where I was. What happened. I saw an ambulance. Then black again.
I know. I know. I'm terrible. But I had to. I'm sorry. You all probably hate me now. But I hope it's good for us. I'll update again soon. Sorry it's so short. Picture of mark on the side. :). Anyways. Thanks y'all!


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