5.new home

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This one is not that good but please keep reading, the next one is much much better. I need it to link everything.

Lola recognised the tallest of the new comers, Neteyam. What syrprised her was to see another human accompanying these three Na'vi. He was moving like them, mimicking their movements. Blue paint was all over him, to reproduce the blue creatures' skin. Jake got up and posted himself next to the kids. 

"Lola, this is Tuk, Neteyam, Lo'ak and Kiri my kids. And Spider their friends. They are going to show you the lab so you can meet Norm and Max. They are our friends too. I need to speek with the others." By the others, Lola guessed that Jake meant the adults. Deciding what they were going to do with her.

Tuk jumped around happily, grabbing her by the wrist. "Come Lola, we'll introduce you!" The young Na'vi dragued her outside of the hut followed by the others. 

Lola stopped abruptly, discovering the outside. They were perched in the trees, a real village established near the peaks. People were busy, arriving on the backs of ikran, these birds serving as their mounts, others going about their business. The girl had never seen anything like it. Lola was fascinated by this way of life. "Cool right?" Tuk was smiling at her proud to show her home. The young woman whispered back "Very cool..."

Neteyam moved rapidly passed them. "Guys hurry up." "He is definitely the slacker of the family."  Lola moved forward and followed him accross the village towards a scientific cabin similar to those used by humans on distant expeditions involving avatars. Neteyam climbed the few steps separating them from the entrance and opened the door. Entering the room, the na'vi grabbed what looked like oxygen masks adapted to their faces. Spider removed his. "You can take it off" he said to Lola designating her own. "We have a system making air breathable for humans here." The young woman took hers off as well. How liberating it was to feel fresh air on her face. No more fogging, no more restricted field of vision. 

Grabbing her chance to ask questions to the human, Lola stayed close to him. "So ... how come you're living with them?". He smiled a bit wandering around in the lab. Capsules both for Na'vi and humans and many machines were everywhere. "Well ... I couldn't go back to Earth when we were forced to leave Pandora after the first battle. I was too young. I was raised by Norm, Max and the Sullys. This is my home." She was even more curious now. "Wasn't it hard to adapt?"

Spider shrugged. "I don't know anything else. I am used to hunt, run, play with my brothers and sisters. Norm forced me to have some kind of scientific education. You know, just in case I need to save everyone." Lo'ak came out of nowhere attacking playfully the boy. "Yeah, you wish!" They starting fighting and running around. Lola smiled. This was the perfect image of coexistence she was fisrt looking for when coming to Pandora. 

"Why are you guys making so much noise? Oh, who do we have here?" A tall human came out from behind a pod, wearing a white blouse and a big smile on the face. "Hey Norm." All the kids said in sink. "This is Lola. She ran away from the human base. Apparently she discovered that we don't live in a care free world." The young woman frowned. "What is wrong with him?"

"Neteyam. Not cool. She can hear you, you skxawng." Kiri had spoke for the very first time that they met. And Lola liked her already. She seemed like a very wise and calm person. "I am telling the truth, really." Lola didn't bother to speak for the boy. He didn't deserve it. She was looking at Norm. He seemed more enclined to listen. She told him once again why she had left. Recording herself might be a good solution. That way, she wouldn't have to repeat herself every hour. 

"... problem is, they have my avatar. And I don't want them to hurt her." Norm passed a hand over his face as if disappointed by this information. "They can definitely use her to put pressure on yourself. Does Jake know that?" Lola nodded. "Well ... let's see what they decide but ... I don't want to get your hopes up." Lola needed to sit. She took the first free stool and kept her head down for a few moments. When she straightened her head, everyone was looking at her, and even though Neteyam seemed to hate her, even he had a touch of sadness in his eyes.

"They'll find a solution, I sure of it." Kiri came next to the young woman and passed an arm around her shoulders giving her a small smile. 

At that moment, the door of the lab opened dans Jake appeared in the door frame. Putting his hands on his hips, he had a very serious look. "Come, we took our decision."

Lo'ak nearly jumped outside of the cabin. "That was quick." Lola stood up and went outside as well, looking straight in Jake's eyes in order to try to find a hint about what was said. But he didn't let anything show. 

All the village was gathered at its central point. Neytiri and Jake were in the middle, everyone forming a circle around them. "Lola, come with us." Jake had a hand stretched out in her direction. She didn't take it but came on their side, very much intimidated to be the center of attention. Toruk Makto soon spoke up. 

"My people. Two days ago, my son and my daugther brought to us this human. She ran away from the base." The Na'vi began to whisper in estonishment. "They are keeping their peers in the dark about what they have done to us and what they continue to do. They hide from them their attacks on Eywa, their plots against our people. This young woman discovered everything. She couldn't be a part of it anymore. She has an avatar. Meaning that she is partly part of us. This avatar is still there. They could her her out of revenge. We need to do something." Neytiri's face darkened as Jake spoke. She clearly did not agree with his speech. Would their people? "We are going to show them that they can't hurt good people. We are going to get this avatar and make them open their eyes on the fact that we are not the violent one. That we only fight back when nessecary. Lola will provide us with a map of the place. We will infiltrate, we will recover this avatar and we will leave without being seen. Their propaganda will be shattered and we will have won a battle. Are you with me?"

Silence hung over the Omatikaya people. They were probably thinking about what their leader had just told them. Were they really going to risk their lives to save an avatar they didn't know? An avatar that did not really belong to their people? "We will follow Toruk Makto in this operation." A soldier had just spoke, his bow up towards the sky. Soon enough, others followed. They were going to save her avatar. A weight disappeared from Lola's shoulders, relieved.

Author's note
Action's coming! Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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