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Today was the day. You could feel it because the village was in a very particular excitement. Everyone was running around making final preparations so that everything would be in order for the ceremony. Lola hadn't seen Neteyam since the evening before as requires and it was the longest time they had spent apart since they got together. The young woman felt a weird emptiness in her chest even if she knew that they would see each other later that day.

Kiri, Tuk, Neytiri and Sylwanin helped her get ready under her hut. A girls only before party. They sang and danced together while doing their hair and dressing up. You could feel the joy in the room. "I love this human custom we should include it in ours!" Tuk was moving like a spinning top around the room, twirling the fabrics of her wedding outfit. Everyone smiled at her attitude. "If you like it you can do it when you'll have a mate."

"I'm expecting Kiri and Lo'ak and Spider to do it before me."

"What if I don't want to get married and that binding is enough for me?" Kiri gave a cindering look at Lola. "Not everyone gets married on Earth that really up to you and your partner."

"Good because as beautiful as I'm sure it will be, I don't think I will." Tuk winced in disappointment. "And that's completely okay." They smiled at each other understandingly as Neytiri got away from the dress Lola had out on to admire it. "Well it's ready!"

"Can I see?" Nodding, the oldest woman took the cloth she had put on the mirror to avoid Lola from seeing her reflecting. Kiri and Tuk positioned themselves on either side of the bride to see her reaction. When the cloth fell, Lola stayed speechless looking at her.
The dress was beautiful. White with embroideries and beads all over it. It hugged her shoulders and bust to her waist before remaining fluid around her legs. You couldn't see her feet as the dress came down to the ground and dragged a little behind her. Her wrists, her neck and her ears were full of colorful jewelry making the white of the dress stand out even more. Her long hair was done as well. Braids and lose hair blending in perfectly. Beads had also been added here and there.

"So... Do you like it?" Neytiri was smiling at her an hopeful look in her eyes. Lola came out of her contemplation to stretch her arms towards her mother-in-law who filled the gap between her to take her in her arms. "It's beautiful. Everything you all did is beautiful. I've never seen such an amazing outfit. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Tuk and Kiri joined in the hug. "Group hug?" Sylwanin ran over to join in. When they parted, Lola took her daughter in her arms. She too was dressed in a pretty little dress with flowers in her hair. "You look beautiful mommy."

"Thank you love, you look amazing as well."

"Grandma did my dress and Kiri did my hair!"

"Wow! They are very skilled!" They heard someone enter the hut. It was Jake, in his warrior outfit. A huge smile came on his lips looking at the women of his family. "You all look stunning." Neytiri approached quickly kissing her husband. "Don't be polite and tell us what you think about the woman of the day." Jake got closer to Lola. "You look ... Breathtaking. Neteyam will have a heart attack when he sees you coming."

"Well let's hope not I would like to marry him first." They all laughed and Jake rearranged Lola's hair before offering her his arm. "It's time to go princess. Are you ready?" Lola exhaled to give herself courage. "Let's go."


They arrived at the Spirit Tree as everyone was already waiting for them. This scene brought back memories to Lola, the day she had changed bodies for good. That event had not ended well and she hoped that this one would ward off the bad feeling it had left. All Omatikayas wore their best ceremony outfits and looked like it was the event of the year. The chief son inaugurating a human tradition that perhaps would find its place within the clan.

Lola could distinguish people standing under the tree. Her bridesmaids Kiri and Tuk, Neteyam's best men Lo'ak and Spider, Norm who would be presiding the ceremony and her mate facing him not yet turned in her direction. The sun setting gradually gave way to the bioluminescence which added a fairy-tale side to the place. Even her dress participated in the phenomenon which made it even more beautiful. An aisle had been drawn between the guests to let her pass. Jake appeared beside her, holding out his arm. They smiled at each other and Lola put her hand through to hold on to it. "You ready?" A nervous laugh escaped her lips. "I don't know, I've got a lump in my stomach, I think I'm going to throw up." Her legs were shaking so much she didn't know if she would make it to Neteyam on her own. Maybe Jake would have to carry her. "Take a deep breath. It's okay, you've been together for five years and you have a family do you really think he's going to say no?"

"Anything could happen." Jake huffed amused. " This is the most predictable wedding I've ever seen. You really have nothing to stress about, my son is so in love with you it's embarrassing sometimes. Lola blushed. She knew Neteyam loves her as they mated and had a child together but was it that obvious for the others? "So, shall we go?" Lola nodded hesitantly and they started to walk down the aisle. This was the signal for the guests to start singing. Taking each other by the shoulders and swaying in rhythm, Omatikaya sounds soon rose from their ranks. Mystical songs that transported to another world. They asked the ancestors to join them, to bring goodwill and protection to the ceremony.

The path to the alter seemed both endless and lightning fast. People smiled at Lola as she walked by and she smiled back to them. They seemed genuinely happy for her. They stopped at the foot of the rock on which the Spirit Tree rested. She felt a hand caress her right arm. Turning her head, she saw Neytiri standing beside her. She was smiling with tears in her eyes. They hugged and Jake helped Lola to Neteyam. He still hadn't turned around, wanting to keep the surprise.

Author's note
I wanted to put as many details as possible for this wedding so I decided to do it in two parts. Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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