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The whole clan heard the news about Lola and Neteyam's weeding. Well, Olo'eyktan had to explain what it was but when everyone understood that it was the human version of mating, they all wanted to celebrate with the Sully family. And what was to be an intimate wedding under the eyes of Eywa became an event for the whole village. The next few days were thus all about the preparation of the ceremony. Each Omatikaya was assigned a task to contribute: the making of the decorations, preparing the banquet, creating the festive clothes... everything was meticulous.

Neytiri was the one making Lola's wedding dress. She was the best tailor of the clan and the fact that she was also the young woman's mother-in-law made it even more special. Sylwanin was fascinated by the fabrics and accessories that had been invading their hut for some days now. "Grandma, can I have a dress too?" Neytiri took her granddaughter on her lap while sewing the bottom of Lola's dress. "Of course sweety, you'll have your own princess dress." Lola looked at them with a tender glance. Neytiri had found it hard to accept her but that had not been the case with Sylwanin at all. She raised her like a daughter and was sometimes even more protective with her than her own children. Her daughter cheered happily and went back to playing with her toys. 

Neytiri got up and helped Lola put on the half-finished dress. The girl was not allowed a mirror, as her mother-in-law wanted it to be a surprise. She could of course see the soft, white, almost transparent fabric with scrolls of embroidery as patterns, quie like her vision of Eywa. Beads had also been sewn in. She had no doubt that she would love the result and so would Neteyam. "Thank you for doing this." They smiled at each other softly. "It's my pleasure. Jake told me that it is a very important moment for sky people."

"Not everyone do this but it is a very beautiful way to celebrate a couple's love, yes." She tenderly caressed the cloth that covered her. Neytiri stopped her doing and placed her left hand on Lola's right arm. "I know I haven't always been very welcoming to you, but I want you to know that I consider you my own daughter. These last few days have been quite hard I understand, but remember that you have relatives here on Pandora too, even if we are not of the same blood." They had never had a discussion about their relationship and this warmed the young woman's heart. Putting her head down, Lola felt her eyes watering. "Oh no no no don't cry, you're going to ruin the dress!" They both laughed and tilted her head back to dry the tears that had started to run down her cheeks. 

"Thank you Neytiri, that means a lot. I'm glad I found you, all of you. I was wondering. There's a tradition where the father of the bride is supposed to help her down the aisle. As my father isn't here, ... do you think that Jake would agree to do it?" Neytiri smiled even more. "You know, I think he would be honored to do it."

"Who would be honored to do what?" They both turned their head to look at the entrance of the hut where Jake was now standing. "Speaking of the devil, I think I'm going to leave you alone." Her mother-in-law pecked a small kiss on Lola's cheek, took Sylwanin in her arms and brushed her husband's arm with her hand going passed him. A questioning look on his face, Jake approached. "Do you have something to ask me?" Lola got suddenly nervous. She didn't now exactly why but she feared he wouldn't be okay with her request. "I ... I know that you're behind this whole wedding idea. And I'm grateful for that. You understand me more than they all ever will and I'm glad that you got my back from the beginning even if sometimes that meant taking big risks for your family." Jake smiled at her saying. "You're part of the family I would do anything for you." 

"Yes but I wasn't five years ago and you still took risks for me."

"I guess I saw a bit of myself in you. I was pretty much as lost as you when I arrived at the Omatikaya's. It was natural for me to take you under my protection."

"And I will be forever grateful for you for that. And in order to show you how much that counts for me I wanted to ask you something. Hum... You know I am supposed to be accompanied down the aisle and... well it's impossible for my dad to make it on time." A sad smile appeared on the yound woman's face but she quickly put herself together. "So I wanted to know if you would do it? Would you help me down the aisle?" Jake was speechless when he heard Lola's request. He hadn't expected it at all, that was for sure. It meant a lot to her, as her family could not be present. It was a way for the young woman to prove her attachment to the Sullys and her eternal gratitude for the way they had integrated her among them. "I can never thank you enough so I thought this symbolism might make you happy." She was wriggling her fingers now, uncomfortable with Jake's silence as he watched her without saying a word. She couldn't make out his thoughts. 

Suddenly, the Omatikaya chief took her in his arms. Jake was pretty tactile, she knew that, but it was a hug that she felt was full of love, like the love a father would feel if his daughter asked him the same thing. A mixture of pride, sadness and caring. "Neytiri was right, I would be honored to take you down the aisle." Their embrace was warm and peaceful. Stepping back, Lola noticed that Jake's eyes were shining with tears. He quickly wiped them away. "Sorry, this is the first time I've been asked to do this." The young woman smiled widely. "Maybe Kiri and Tuk will like this tradition and ask you the same thing when the day comes." He groaned imagining his daughters coming, another Na'vi on their arm telling him and Neytiri that they were getting married. "My babiiies, please let them grow up first." Lola burst out laughing at the look on her father-in-law's face. "It'll happen sooner or later." Grimacing, he grabbed her by the shoulders and planted a kiss on the top of her head. "In the meantime, I'll be happy to give you my arm for your big day."

Author's note
We're into the cuteness at the moment :) Don't forget to vote and comment!

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