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"Tuk are you sure he was an avatar?" They were all gathered in Jake and Neytiri's hut. Lola hugged Sylwanin as if to ensure that she would not disappear. She had lost her son, she didn't want to lose her daughter too. "He had five fingers and his tattoo was definitely not one like the Metkayina could have." She said that while Kiri applied gently some healing paste on her scratches. 

"That's Quaritch for sure." Neteyam was pacing back and forth, unable to stand still. He was furious that someone would dare to attack his family and now felt what Jake had felt during their misadventures in the middle of the ocean. "But I killed him! I saw him sink to the bottom of the sky people ship." 

"I don't know dad! This description pretty much fits. He might have survived helped by one of his avatar friends. What I don't understand is why wait seven years to take his revenge." 

"This scumbag refuses to die. If I find him, I swear I'll make sure I rip his heart out of his chest to make sure he never comes back." Their head directed towards Neytiri who had her hands clenched into fists and her teeth clenched. She had a killer look that Jake knew all too well. He'd seen it twice and even if it was to protect her family, he didn't like it. Spider who was standing close to the door didn't know what to do. He was torn between confessing what he had done and keeping it to himself to survive, especially after Neytiri's reaction. 

"Did you see wher he went?" Jake tried to get as many information as possible from his younger daughter. She was traumatised but did everything she could to remember any detail that could help. "He went towards the military base. But I don't think that he actually went there he looked like he had been wandering around for a very long time."

"The battle cemetery." Neteyam stopped walikng around, his brain working at a hundred miles an hour. "There's all these helicopter and robots cadavers that the sky people never took back. And it's in the direction on the base. You always forbade us to got there." Jake nodded his head in agreement. "Yes that's a lead. We have to gather the best hunters to go and see if something's happening there."

"I'll summon them. We have to go and see right away." Neteyam stormed out of the hut. Spider decided to follow him, he had to talk to someone and Lo'ak wasn't here.


Spider pov

"Hey, Neteyam!" Spider followed the young man who walked determinedly towards the hut where the hunters often gathered. He turned around to face his friend. " I'm kind of in a hurry, Spider." 

"Yeah, it's about the situation." Neteyam gave him a confused look. The young man suspected that his reaction would not be kind, but it couldn't be worse than his mother's. "Do you know anything?" Spider rocked from one foot to the other searching for his words. His friend became impatient. "Dude! What is it?"

"I saved Quaritch back in the battle at the Metkayina's." Neteyam looked at him as if he had not understood what he had said. "You... what?"

"I saved..." Spider couldn't finish his sentence. Neteyam had grabed him by the neck and held him pinned against a tree. His eyes had changed and looked like the look Neytiri had a few minutes earlier. His lips curled over his teeth as if he were ready to tear her head off. The young man was suffocating under his grip. Seeing that Spider's face was turning blue, Neteyam realized what he was doing and let go of him abruptly. He suffocated and caught his breath as best he could. Grabbing his arm tightly, Neteyam brought his face close to his, threatening. "What the fuck did you do that for?" Spider swallowed hardly. "I do'nt really know."

"I'm going to need a better explanation."

"You know when they took me? He stopped those sick sky people from killing me by trying to get information out of me. He asked me to be a guide for him and his squad in exchange for his protection. So yes, it was a little bit self-serving but without that I would have been dead for seven years." Neteyam's eyes soften slightly. He started to understand. "Plus... he's what's left of my father I guess I thought maybe he could tell me if he really wanted me or if I was an accident. Maybe even build something with him." The young man lowered his head in shame. They wouldn't have lost his nephew if he had left his father at the bottom of the ocean.

"I get it." Spider gave Neteyam a confused look. "You do?" His friend winced. "Of course I understand, I couldn't kill my father either. But you should have told us about it, we would have been more careful."

"I'm sorry. I'll help you go look for Ozai. If we find my father, I could try to talk to him. If he's been alone for so long he might be desperate."

"My mom better not learn about this or you're dead bro, honestly." 

"Yeah I've already experienced it and I would like for it not to happen again." 

"Come, we'll get the hunters and leave as soon as we can." Nodding his head, Spider followed Neteyam towards the  hunters' hut. They entered and found Zeltron, Ionia and Noxus sorting out their equipment. They turned their head towards the new comers. "Guys, we need you." Ionia tossed her long black hair behind her shoulder and stood up, "What's going on?" 

"My son's missing. We need you to come with us follow a trail. You're the best hunters of the clan you will be better than us to find the author of the kidnapping. "Do we know who did this?" Zeltron took his bow and adjusted it on his back. "We have a suspicion. An avatar. He might have been in the forest for quite some time." Noxus nodded her head and grabbed her knives. "How long has your son been missing for?" 

"A few hours."

"Okay, we should go now then." Neteyam and Spider grabbed their weapons as well and went towards the ikrans. Spider hoped on Neteyam's. Jake came out of his hut and ran to them. He landed a hand on his son's ikran. "Be careful. And keep me updated on the situation."

"We will." And with that, Neteyam commanded to take off.

Author's note
There's going to be some action wait for it! Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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