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Neteyam pov

The four ikrans flew above the forest towards the military base, trying to follow the avatar trail. From time to time, they landed to allow Zeltron, Ionia and Noxus to find important details. "There are footprints and broken branches over here." Zeltron's eyes were squinting as if that would help him guess in which direction the kidnapper had gone. Ionia and Noxus scanned the surroundings ready for any eventuality. 

Neteyam and Spider stood back, letting them do their job. The young man was trembling with worry and anger. Someone had dared to attack his family when they had been at peace for many years. It was a declaration of war and he hoped that this person was operating alone and with the sky people. If the military was behind all of this, they could be sure that the Omatikaya will do everything in their power to expel them from their planet for good. He felt a hand on his arm. He lowered his gaze to look at him. "We'll find him bro. We know the forest better than the avatars, he couldn't go somewhere we don't know about."

"Yeah, I hope you're right." Neteyam clenched his fists to try and release the tension he felt in all his body. He thought about Lola and the distress he could see in her eyes. He had to be strong for her and bring their son back safely. He wouldn't forgive himself if anything bad happened to her. He was a great warrior and the future Omatikaya leader, he had no right to fail. 

He was pulled out of his thoughts by Zeltron who had straightened up and held his arm out in front of him, pointing the way. "We should go that way, the iron cemetery isn't far now and we'll be less noticeable on foot." Neteyam nodded and followed Noxus who had taken the lead. Walking silently, they moved quickly through the trees and plants, stopping every now and then to make sure they had not been spotted or followed. The further they went, the more machine carcasses littered the path. The young man wrinkled his nose, disgusted that the sky people had never collected their waste. They lost a battle and left everything behind. The hunters grabbed their bow from their back and cocked an arrow, ready to shoot. Spider took out his knives and held them in front of him while Neteyam tighted his grip on his spear. 

"There! Something moved." Ionia shooted-whispered and crouched behind a tree. Everyone mimicked her founding cover were they could. The young man glanced in the direction indicated by the hunter. It was the carcass of a helicopter covered in foliage hiding the opening where sliding doors were originally intended. The blades of the craft were stuck in the ground next to it and the cockpit window blown out, revealing a decaying skeleton inside. The vines hiding the entrance were moving as if someone or something had crossed them a short time ago. Neteyam clenched his jaw. Maybe it was a trap. The three hunters turned towards him. "What do you want to do?" 

The young warrior began to think. He couldn't send everyone in case something unexpected happened. Two of them would stay back to watch the surroundings. He would lead the others to see what was going on where they had observed movement. "Ionia and Noxus, you are the best observers and listeners, you will stay here to warn us of anything suspicious. Zeltron, Spider and I will go and see what's going on over there." All nodded in sink. The two Na'vi and the human proceeded in military formation towards the opening. Jake had definitely an impact on the Omatikaya's practices, instilling them with everything he had learned during his military career. Neteyam walked in front, Spider in the middle and Zeltron moving backwards watching their backs. They lined up alongside the aircraft and the young man moved the tip of his spear forward to push aside the vines and see what was going on behind.

He was surprised to discover that the interior had been fitted out. The other opening of the helicopter led to other carcasses that had been put together to form a structure and in its centre, a living space was visible. A woven bed, a kitchen area, piled up trunks... someone was living here, they now were sure about it. He turned towards the others. "Someone has been staying there. I don't know for how long but they had time to arrange a real house in there." He saw them frown, suspicious. "Can you have the confirmation that it's an avatar and not a lot Na'vi?" Zeltron was certainly asking to know how he was supposed to react if a confrontation was to be considered. He would be much gentler with a Na'vi than an avatar, Neteyam knew it. "I don't know I can't see shit from here, I'll just go inside. Spider come with me, Zeltron say here and watch." 

He opened the vines with his left hand and made sure that no one had appeared in the makeshift hut. He crept inside followed by Spider who discovered it. They looked around for anything that might tell them who was there. The interior was still very minimalist. Apart from the bed and the trunks the room was empty. Spider walked over to the trunks and opened one of them. "Neteyam. The Na'vi aren't used to t'shirts and shorts, are they?" As the young man turned back to his friend, he saw him pull out some worn and holey human military clothes. He must have made a threatening face because Spider immediately released the clothes and hurriedly closed the trunk. "I think we know who lives here now, right?"

"Try to find something proving he's got my kid. Now." They began to search frantically in the hut. Not even bothering to leave traces of his passage, Neteyam turned over everything he could. Anything he wanted to find anything. His eyes were suddenly attracted by colours on the ground. Crouching to look closely, he recognized beads from his clan. Taking one in his hand, he saw a five fingers hand engraved on it. It was Ozai's. "Spider, look." His friend looked in his direction and became pale recognizing the objects. "This motherfucker kidnapped my baby."

From outside, muffled noises could be heard. They both turned towards the entrance of the cabin, fear in their eyes. They tightened their grip around their weapons, ready to defend themselves. The vines parted to let Zeltron pass with a knife at his throat, a Na'vi slightly taller than him holding it firmly. Neteya quickly realized that it was not a Na'vi but an avatar that was threatening him. Quaritch. "Well well well. Who do we have here?" He was definitely slimmed down and his drawn features certainly aged him more than he really was. His clothes were groins and floated on his almost skinny but still muscular body. He had a killer look and a carnivorous smile on his face.

"So son, you don't want to come greet your dad?"

Author's note
I am really enjoying writing these chapters, tell me if you like them too! Dont forget to vote and comment :)

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